PWM pins are pulse-width modulated pins. Essentially, PWM is a digital signal that spends between 0% and 100% of its time pulled high/on (this is its "duty cycle"). You can set the PWM pins to any value between 0 (0%) and 1 (100%) to approximate an analog signal. PWM is often used to control…
Suppose a pin is configured as an input. If nothing is connected to the pin and the program tries to read the state of the pin, it would be in a 'floating' state i.e an unknown state. To prevent this,…
What Is a Module? Modules should be devices with clear-cut functionality. That is to say, they should have a single, well-defined purpose or a set of closely related functions, rather than an eclectic mix of capabilities onboard. This requirement is…
Interrupts allow us to register events based on state changes in a pin. Pins 2, 5, 6, 7 on both Ports are available for interrupts. Take a look at the following circuit. While the switch is open, pin2 will be low. When the button is pressed…
Each of the two ports on Tessel 2 exposes ten pins for use in creating custom modules. Two of the pins are for power (3.3V and ground) and the other eight are configurable GPIO (General Purpose Input and Output) pins that can be used to communicate with your module. All…