(155)Technology implemented in the world of building helps ensure a cleaner, healthier environment for the future while also lowering energy use, costs and giving building owners more control over the elements of their structures.

By Michael Warren
10 min read
One of the novelties in the world of software development, these tools don’t require deep knowledge of programming languages and can save developers some time—but they also have important limitations.

By Bob Leibholz
10 min read
It used to be all about the Silicon Valley, but there are many other regions in North America that house dynamic and vibrant tech markets and show impressive growth and results.

By David Russo
10 min read
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals used RFID technology to identify and locate staff who had been in contact with infected patients to help with containment. But that’s just one of the uses this tech may have in the health sector.

By Tyrone Jackson
10 min read
Field service automation software is the answer to tedious manual entry, inaccuracies, and redundant labor across the board in a variety of industries.

By Alex Pilsl
10 min read
The Internet of Things is extending month after month, increasing its capabilities and complexity. That’s why tech leaders should consider policies and procedures to define and manage aspects like privacy and security.

By Guillermo Carreras
10 min read
Unprecedented speed, the rise of wearable technology, an emphasis on UX design, and super apps. The future of apps is here—and it’s brighter than we ever imagined.

By Jeff Moore
10 min read
Analog systems were used in the 1970s for process control and complex problem solving (calculus, integral, and differentiation). They became obsolete when digital computers were invented. But engineers are now insisting on bringing them back.

By Michael Warren
10 min read
Bug bounty programs are a fantastic alternative to go alongside your QA team to build better and safer software.

By Rocío Belfiore
10 min read
This approach to office work is still very new but it can address some of the issues associated with remote and hybrid work.

By Chris Taylor
10 min read
While AI is still highly useful in a wide variety of business situations, these problems and others have yet to be resolved.

By Lucio Arbix
10 min read
What startups lack in muscle, they make up for in speed, adaptability, and a lean nature that is perfect for innovation and disruption.

By Jeff Moore
10 min read
When we understand the emotions of our users, we can align our product with their needs, and thanks to Artificial Intelligence, this is easier than ever.

By Nate Dow
10 min read
Many assume AI is more objective than humans, but given that it is created by humans, that’s not always the case.

By Carolina Batista
10 min read
Are NFTs the real deal? Do they hold actual value? Or are they a passing fad, like so many trends of the past? What even are they?

By Ethan Brown
10 min read