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The 100 Top Programming Languages in 2025

Compiling the top 100 programming languages out there is a herculean task. But we did it in this overview where we’ll see what each of them is about and why you should consider using them.

10 min read

When we set out to compile the top programming languages, we had a slight suspicion that we were taking on a monumental challenge. Though software engineers around the world mostly work with the same 20 or so languages, there are plenty more—and people are out there using them!

How do you categorize the most popular programming languages? Is there some sort of hierarchy? How do you decide on the criteria to sort them all?

How we came up with this list

We had to make several compromises. The first and most important one is that we wouldn’t adhere to the hierarchical order. In other words, we’ll list the top 100 programming languages in no particular order, meaning that the fact we discuss C first doesn’t mean that it’s better than Java or Python.

Then, we decided to use the TIOBE Index to define which programming languages made the cut (we know there are more programming languages, but we had to draw the line somewhere).

Let’s learn about each programming language and why you should consider using it.

The top 20 essential programming languages

1. C

A lot of people see C as the most influential programming language ever. It’s hard to argue with that, given how pivotal C has been to C++, C#, Objective C, Java, Python, JavaScript, and many other languages you’ll find below. All those languages borrowed many basic features from C (especially its control structures). C was the first language to work on a higher level, opening the door for developing complex software with significantly less knowledge.

Since its fourth version, C has been fundamental to the reimplementation of Unix. Thanks to its almost endless possibilities, this general-purpose language enjoys justified popularity. It is frequently used to build operating systems, language compilers and interpreters, drivers, and utilities.

2. Java

Java often appears at the top of programming languages rankings thanks to its huge popularity, rooted mainly in one thing: its “write once, run anywhere” (WORA) principle: any compiled Java code can run on any platform that supports Java without having to recompile it first. That’s possible thanks to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which runs on a Virtual Machine to provide it with cross-platform capabilities.

Java is a general-purpose language, making it perfect for virtually any development project. In fact, Java is used for many things, from Android apps and web apps to games, big data tools, and even scientific platforms.

3. Python

Many beginners who have gone online to ask which programming language they should learn first hear Python as the first answer. That’s because the language strongly emphasizes code readability, ease of use, and flexibility. All that means that beginners can quickly learn it and start working on almost any application they can think of.

Though Python can be used to build everything from business applications to games, it has some strong suits. For one, the language is frequently used for data analysis, scripting, and scientific research, mainly because it includes a robust set of tools. But Python is also great for web app development and even for creating AI-based applications.

4. C++

A successor to C, the idea behind C++’s development was to add higher-level paradigms to C but also keeping the low-level qualities present in it. Since its inception, C++ has evolved quite a lot to include object-oriented, generic, and functional features. C++ is a compiled language with many compilers that can work on many different platforms, thus extending its usability.

Given its predecessor, C++ boasts notable computing performance, which is the reason why it’s mostly used for system programming and embedded systems. Thus, it’s often used to create device drivers, game engines, image and audio software, telecommunications networks, and interpreters.

5. C#

Like C++, C# is another programming language built on top of C, where object-oriented capabilities are a major addition. C# is closely related to Microsoft’s .NET framework since the Redmond giant initially developed it as part of its .NET initiative, and has now become the primary language for .NET programming.

C# is another language that can be used to build close to everything you can think of, but it’s perfectly suited for building Windows desktop applications and games. Additionally, you can use it to create web apps and mobile applications that can later be used on virtually any mobile device through cross-platform tools like Xamarin.

6. JavaScript

JavaScript has been a fundamental part of our everyday lives for quite some time now simply because it’s one of the essential pillars of most websites (along with HTML and CSS). Through JavaScript, web pages can dynamically apply changes to styles, animate menus, validate data entered into a form without refreshing, and much more. Javascript also works for web and mobile app development, as well as server applications and games.

Most modern websites use JavaScript in some sense or another to control client-side page behaviors. And though it’s mostly a programming language for front-end development, it can also be used on the server side (with Node.js).

7. PHP

Speaking of the server side, PHP is probably the most popular programming language designed for server-side development. This general-purpose scripting language can collect data from online forms, create dynamic elements for web pages, or handle cookies. Though that is its main goal, PHP can do more than that.

For instance, PHP is great for command-line scripting, creating scripts that only need a PHP parser to run, which is nice for simple processing tasks. Engaging PHP development services can help ensure these tasks are approached efficiently and effectively. PHP can also be used for building desktop applications, though you have to really know your way around it to do so. Mastering the language isn’t a utopia, though, as it has a gentle learning curve, making it an excellent choice for any newcomer to the programming world.

8. R

With the rise of data science and statistical software, it’s only natural that a language as laser-focused as R would grow among the development ranks. Thanks to its wide array of libraries, R can implement many statistical and graphical techniques, such as linear and nonlinear modeling, classification, clustering, and many others.

This nature is the main reason why statisticians and data miners use it to build statistical analyses and to create high-quality data visualizations. In fact, R is one of the most popular alternatives for the big data phenomenon, especially because it’s highly expandable through the many packages available.

9. SQL

Databases are an integral part of our tech-driven world, and SQL is among the most popular languages used to communicate with them. SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it allows developers to create databases with their structures and handle all the data-related tasks that come with them, such as inserting, editing, and querying.

The popularity of SQL is related to its ability to give engineers the ability to use a conventional language to handle relational databases in new IT environments, like cloud-native systems and virtual networks. Thus, SQL is often a default tool for handling the data contained in a conventional database.

10. Go

Also known as Golang, Go is a Google-designed programming language midway between C and C++. In fact, it’s syntactically similar to C but more sophisticated because it includes features like garbage collection and structural typing. This brings it closer to C++, although without this programming language’s complexities.

Originally created for systems programming, Go has evolved, and it’s now used for web applications, cloud-based platforms, containerization tools, and even for certain systems within cryptocurrencies. This makes it a great alternative for seasoned developers, though its ease of use also appeals to newbies.

11. Swift

If you want to develop applications for any Apple device, you’ll need to learn Swift. The Cupertino company developed this programming language for iOS, OS X, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux development. It’s primarily inspired by C and Objective-C and C, but it has extended compatibility.

This allows it to work perfectly with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, Apple’s own frameworks, and any existing Objective-C code developed for Apple systems. In addition to being the programming language for creating Apple apps, it’s also a high-performance, general-purpose language that focuses on safety and (naturally) software design.

12. Perl

Frequently referred to as “the Swiss army knife” of scripting, Perl has been around for almost 4 decades – and it’s still going strong. This high-level, interpreted, dynamic language can run over 100 platforms, and it’s a great fit for both prototyping and big development projects. In fact, Perl went beyond its initial purpose (text editing) and is now used for many things, including Linux system administration, network programming, and web development, among others. Partnering with a Perl development company can further enhance the capabilities and reach of your projects.

It’s important to note that sometimes Perl refers to a family of languages, a term that includes Raku (formerly called Perl 6). However, Raku is now a separate programming language with its own development team and schedule, while the original Perl team continues to develop it.

13. Assembly language

Assembly language is the most fundamental programming language, a low-level language. This means that this language has little to no abstraction from the computer’s architecture (meaning that the language’s functions are as close to the processor’s instructions as you can possibly get). That’s why it’s also known as the symbolic machine code.

Assembly code is converted to machine code through a processor called an assembler, which runs the resulting code on the processor.  Since assembly depends on the machine instructions themselves, each assembler has its own language specific to that particular computer architecture. There’s some discussion about assembly language’s value in the modern landscape, but it has a proven worth when optimizing for speed or size, for driver development, or cases when strict time constraints are in place, such as real-time simulators.

14. Visual Basic

Visual Basic, often referred to as VB, is a high-level programming language developed by Microsoft that enables developers to create robust applications with a simplified syntax and user-friendly graphical interface. Originally designed to allow rapid application development (RAD), Visual Basic focuses on an event-driven approach, which makes it ideal for building Windows-based applications. With its strong integration within the .NET framework, VB allows developers to write code that easily interacts with Windows systems, databases, and network applications. Its simplicity makes it relatively easy for beginners to learn the basics of programming and start creating functional software with minimal setup.

Despite being a beginner-friendly language, Visual Basic is also widely used by professional developers for various tasks. From creating complex business applications to building data manipulation tools, VB has become a reliable choice for many in software development. Its object-oriented programming capabilities and rich libraries within .NET enable developers to write scalable code that can handle more complex tasks. Although newer languages like C# are often preferred for advanced applications, Visual Basic remains popular, especially in industries with legacy applications built on the Windows platform.

15. Ruby

According to its official website, “Ruby is a language of careful balance.” They can certainly claim that the language combines parts of Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp to achieve a balanced mix of functional and imperative programming. This interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language is highly flexible since developers can remove or redefine any part of it.

Ruby is mostly used for web application development, especially because of Ruby on Rails, a very popular development framework that provides an MVC (Model View Controller) architecture and encourages the use of web standards. Ruby’s uses don’t end there, though, as it can also be used for data analysis, prototyping, and proof of concepts.


MATLAB is another programming language designed for engineers and scientists. It runs on the proprietary platform of the same name. It’s a matrix-based language that allows developers to express complex computational mathematics in the most natural way. Thus, you can work with matrix manipulations, data implementations, and function plotting.

All of that turns MATLAB into the perfect ally for anyone looking to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create math models and applications. In MATLAB’s environment, you’ll find computation and visualization tools that are easy to use and can provide complex outputs through familiar mathematical notation.

17. Objective-C

It is yet another high-level language based on C, Objective-C, which took it a little further by adding features and syntax from Smalltalk. Thus, we can say it’s a superset of C since any C code can run perfectly in an Objective-C compiler. Objective-C was initially developed to add object-oriented programming to C but has now taken a life of its own.

Thanks to its capabilities, Objective-C was the main language for developing Mac OSX and iOS applications (in fact, you needed to learn it to create any apps for those systems). With the introduction of Swift by Apple, Objective-C isn’t the only alternative anymore, though it’s still an interesting option.

18. Rust

If you regularly check Stack Overflow’s Developer Surveys, you’ve certainly come across Rust at some point, especially in the “most loved programming language” section. That’s because this multi-paradigm programming language focuses on performance and safety. Rust has a very strict compiler that checks all variables and memory addresses, leading you to write more effective and idiomatic programs.

Developers have fallen in love with Rust because of its speed, memory safety, and parallelism. All of those allow engineers to work on various applications, from game engines and operating systems to browser components and file systems.

19. Delphi/Object Pascal

Delphi, built on the Object Pascal language, is a powerful programming tool known for its ease in creating Windows applications with a visual, drag-and-drop environment. Originally developed by Borland, Delphi combines the structured, object-oriented foundations of Pascal with a user-friendly interface, making it suitable for both beginner and experienced developers. Delphi’s language features, like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, align well with modern software engineering practices, allowing developers to craft efficient and readable code. Its integrated development environment (IDE) simplifies the development process, enabling rapid application development (RAD) and offering extensive libraries that facilitate everything from database handling to web service integration.

Delphi is widely used for creating desktop applications, especially in scenarios where performance and direct access to hardware resources are critical. The language’s cross-platform capabilities allow developers to write code for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, broadening Delphi’s appeal in the software development landscape. Though it may not be as popular as some newer languages, Delphi maintains a dedicated user base, particularly in industries where reliability and performance are essential. For developers looking to build efficient applications with a robust IDE, Delphi offers a practical blend of speed, flexibility, and ease of use.

20. Classic Visual Basic

As incredible as it feels, the TIOBE Index still ranks Classic Visual Basic among its top programming languages. That’s really strange, as Microsoft declared the programming language a legacy back in 2008. However, it seems that many developers out there still use it to keep the necessary legacy systems running.

Classic Visual Basic used to be a good way to create 32-bit Microsoft-centered applications using the components provided by its platform (especially after the VB community started developing its own components). However, today, it’s only worth learning for developers who are already familiar with other languages and need this for a very particular project. We expect Classic VB to disappear in the coming years but, hey, we still include it out of respect.

30 classic, up-and-coming, and niche programming languages

21. SAS

This is a specialized programming language whose main goal is to perform statistical data analysis with databases and spreadsheets. SAS compiles the data, analyzes it, and offers the output through several visualization options or text/web-based documents. It’s mainly used in academia and government, given the level of control and freedom it offers to handle huge data loads.

22. Scratch

Getting kids interested in programming has become a strategic goal for governments, academics, and businesses alike. That’s why a programming language such as Scratch is so important – this is a free, visual programming language based on Smalltalk targeted to children aged 8 to 16 to educate them in basic programming terms and teach them about systematic reasoning while creating stories, games, and animations.

23. D

D is a programming language designed to overcome the drawbacks of C (just as C was designed to sophisticate B’s offering). D is basically like C++ in that it’s object-oriented but unlike it, it’s not backward compatible, which helps remove the disadvantages present in C++.

24. Dart

Dart is another Google-designed language used internally to create web, server, and mobile applications. In a sense, Dart compiles the source code in the same way as JavaScript, though the code has its Dart Virtual Machine. Though it has been around for quite some time, Dart is just starting to get the attention it deserves, mainly because Google introduced Flutter for native Android development – and developers that want to work with it need Dart to get started.

25. PL/SQL

SQL by itself won’t take you very far when working with databases. That’s why you need a language like PL/SQL, a procedural language that supersets SQL. It builds on top of SQL, adding procedural programming features, including basics like conditionals, loops, functions, objects, types, and more. Since it was created by Oracle, it works perfectly with their databases.

26. Logo

Developers of a certain age surely remember Logo, one of the first programming languages to teach children how to code. Many of us learned how to write code on a console by providing commands to a small turtle that drew graphics. To some people, Logo is Lisp for kids, even when it has powerful features to create images, multimedia presentations, and games.


Common Business-Oriented Language or COBOL as we all know it, is one of the first high-level languages still around today. This imperative, procedural, and object-oriented language is still active mainly to maintain and support existing business, finance, and administrative systems. COBOL (like Visual Basic) is likely seeing its last days, but it still has things to offer, especially a surprising mainframe processing speed.

28. Kotlin

One of the rising stars in the software development sky, Kotlin is a cross-platform, general-purpose programming language that’s Google’s preferred language for Android development. That certainly has boosted its popularity but its benefits have also played an important part. Kotlin is like a more concise version of Java, is highly interoperable with it, has many features, is easy to learn, and is less error-prone.

29. Julia

Another young language that’s seeing a rise in popularity, Julia is a high-level and dynamic programming language. It can work well for a wide array of projects, but most of its features are a better fit for computational science. Additionally, Julia includes libraries for linear algebra, regular expression matching, and floating-point calculations, which makes it obvious that it’s a great choice for developers working with numerical analysis.

30. ABAP

The Advanced Business Application Programming language (or ABAP, for short) is a crucial language for creating enterprise tools, applications, and systems or SAP software (named like that after the company that created ABAP in the first place).

31. Scala

Some people say that Scala is like an overhauled version of Java – and they might be just right. That’s because Scala is also object-oriented, compiles to Java bytecode to run on the JVM, and it’s even interoperable with Java, meaning it can use its libraries. Where it differs from Java is in the fact that Scala incorporates features of functional programming. It’s more concise and has a syntax that’s easier to read.

32. Transact-SQL

Also known as T-SQL, Transact-SQL is an extension of SQL developed by Microsoft and Sybase which is used to interact with relational databases. As such, T-SQL is key for developers using Microsoft SQL Server, the database management system created by the Redmond giant. All communications with this system are carried out through T-SQL statements, which explains why this language is popular among certain users – it’s practically mandatory!

33. Scheme

Some people might say that Scheme is just a Lisp dialect, but to us, it’s a little more than that. True, Scheme may be too minimalist to adapt Lisp with a small core and a set of interesting tools. However, this economic approach can also be its strength. In fact, many educators swear by it, and some engineers see Scheme as the best possible ally for developing embedded systems and scripting.

34. Prolog

Prolog is a language very different from the ones above, mainly because it’s a logic programming language. That means that, unlike many other languages that use procedural logic, Prolog is more about first-order logic, where the underlying logic of a program is expressed in various relations of facts and rules. Thus, the software works by interpreting queries according to these relations. Such an approach is why Prolog is mainly associated with artificial intelligence and NPL projects.

35. Ada

Ada Lovelace (a.k.a. The Enchantress of Numbers) is considered the creator of the first computer program by many people. Whether that’s true or not, The Enchantress inspired a group of French developers to develop Ada, an object-oriented, high-level language extended from Pascal. It might not be the most popular language out there, but the French team that created it didn’t aim for popularity but security – especially because the language was commissioned by the US Department of Defense, where it finds most of its uses.

36. Lisp

We’ve mentioned a couple of its offspring before, so it was about time we talked about Lisp, one of the eldest high-level programming languages still in use. In reality, the name Lisp points to a family of programming languages that share the same roots – the pioneering ideas that Lisp brought to life, such as tree data structures, dynamic typing, recursion, and higher-order functions, to name a few. It has been used for many things throughout the years, but its relevance today is explained by adopting AI and machine learning developers as their language of choice.

37. Apex

Another proprietary programming language, Apex, is used by Salesforce to execute flow and transaction control statements and calls to the API in Salesforce servers. It’s an object-oriented language similar to Java and C# that allows Salesforce developers to add business logic to many system-related events. Thus, software engineers that use it do so exclusively because of what Apex can give them in Salesforce.

38. Lua

Originally designed as a language that pursued the extension of software applications for increased customization, Lua continues to be one of the best languages. That’s because it’s a lightweight, high-level language focusing on speed, portability, and ease of use. One of the best things about Lua is its cross-platform, which extends its range of use.

39. Fortran

It almost feels ridiculous to think that a language that first appeared in 1957 might be around today, nearly 70 years later, and still be relevant. Yet, that’s precisely what happens with Fortran, a general-purpose, imperative language developed by IBM with a strong focus on numeric computation and scientific computing. The secret to its relevance and popularity is that Fortran’s foundations are so robust that no other language can perform similar computationally intensive tasks such as computational fluid dynamics, geophysics, and finite element analysis. All that explains why Fortran is also used to create benchmarking programs.

40. Haskell

Another language widely known for the many languages that use it as a basis, Haskell is another general-purpose, multi-paradigm, purely functional language. The “purely functional” part means that Haskell’s functions only depend on their arguments, regardless of their global or local states. That makes it easier to understand, which is why Haskel is mainly used for academic reasons (though it also has industry-wide uses).

41. Hack

This might not be the most popular language, but Hack was developed by Facebook as a way to extend PHP through the introduction of static typing, new type hints, and enhancing the use of type hints. In that sense, Hack implements PHP, which lets developers use dynamic and static typing through gradual typing.

42. VBScript

Yet another proprietary language created by Microsoft based on Visual Basic, VBScript, was the company’s alternative to JavaScript for web developers. Naturally, JavaScript’s dominance left it without much room, so this scripting language found a niche in developing applications and systems within Microsoft environments. Thus, VBScript is used for systems administrators, unit testers, developers of embedded applications, and macro development for Microsoft apps.

43. TypeScript

Microsoft adds another language to this list with TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing to the language. That means any existing JavaScript application can be worked on using this programming language. The idea behind the development of this language is to provide developers with the possibility to build JavaScript applications for both client and server-side execution, as well as to allow the development of large applications.

44. AWK

Here’s another language developed in the 70s that’s still around. AWK is a domain-specific language that consists of a set of actions that are carried out against streams of text. Its goal is to process those texts to extract information or transform them into a different output. This makes AWK a fairly limited programming language but a nice addition to any toolkit, especially for those who work with large amounts of text.

45. ActionScript

The TIOBE Index shows that there still is some interest in ActionScript, a programming language that is another superset of JavaScript. And that’s a surprising thing, mainly because ActionScript’s purpose was developing websites and software with Adobe Flash Player components. As you might recall, Flash was a crucial element of the web some time ago, providing animations and interactive elements that couldn’t be done otherwise. However, with the arrival of HTML5, Flash fell from grace, and now it’s mostly shunned. Basically, this all means that ActionScript is another one of those languages that will be gone sooner rather than later.

46. Tcl

Pronounced “tickle,” Tcl is a high-level, general-purpose language that is as simple as you can possibly get. Everything is a command in this language, even control structures such as “for” and “if.” This means that a developer can tweak anything through several commands, giving them much power and flexibility. Those traits made Tcl an ally for developers working on rapid prototyping, scripted applications, and testing.

47. Smalltalk

Smalltalk is a very influential language that helped shape the model–view–controller (MVC) pattern for user interface design and fostered a new era in GUIs. However, even for all its pivotal relevance, Smalltalk has gradually been abandoned by most developers, and it’s only used by a small community that swears by it. A significant reason why Smalltalk is used today is because of the release of development frameworks for it, especially Seaside, a framework that makes it easy for you to create web apps.

48. (Visual) FoxPro

Visual FoxPro, originally developed by Microsoft, is a data-centric programming language and environment known for handling large databases efficiently and quickly. As a dynamic, object-oriented programming language, it offers robust support for relational databases, making it ideal for developing data manipulation and database management applications. Though primarily used for desktop software, Visual FoxPro’s powerful querying and data processing capabilities have made it a staple in business applications that require complex data analysis. Despite Microsoft discontinuing official support, Visual FoxPro remains popular among developers working with legacy systems and seeking reliable solutions for database-heavy applications.

49. Solidity

Designed specifically for blockchain platforms like Ethereum, this high-level language is used to develop secure and transparent smart contracts. With a syntax similar to JavaScript, Solidity enables developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) that support complex transactions. As an object-oriented language, it allows for advanced features like inheritance and data structuring, making it flexible for diverse blockchain applications. Its popularity continues to grow, especially in decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFT development, making it one of the most in-demand programming languages in the blockchain space.

50. PowerShell

Created for task automation and configuration management, this scripting language is widely used by system administrators and IT professionals. PowerShell provides powerful tools for managing operating systems, automating repetitive tasks, and handling complex network configurations. Known for its command-line interface and deep integration with Windows, it allows users to manage resources like files, registries, and processes effectively. With its versatility and scripting capabilities, PowerShell has become essential in-system programming and is especially valuable in enterprise environments.

50 other programming languages worth mentioning

51. ABC

A general-purpose programming language and IDE, ABC is an alternative to BASIC, Pascal, or AWK, developed for teaching and prototyping. ABC was highly influential in Python’s design.

52. Algol

Initially developed in the 1950s, Algol is a foundational high-level language introducing many basic programming concepts. Known for its structured syntax, Algol greatly influenced other programming languages, including C and Pascal. Though not widely used now, it set standards in programming language design, especially in systems programming and computer science research.

53. APL

APL stands for “A Programming Language,” but don’t let the name’s simplicity fool you. APL is one of the most peculiar languages in the market, mainly because it uses a wide range of special graphic symbols for its functions and operators. Today, it’s mostly used for commercial and scientific purposes.

54. Bash

Bash (or Bourne Again Shell) is a sh-compatible command language that runs on a window where the user inputs commands to execute actions. Since its release, most Linux distributions have used it as the default login shell.

55. Carbon

Designed by Google as a successor to C++, Carbon aims to provide developers with a modern, efficient programming language for systems programming. It emphasizes performance, memory safety, and interoperability with existing C++ code. Carbon’s focus on improving developer productivity and code maintainability has generated significant interest in the software development community.

56. CFML

Created for web development, CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language) is a scripting language that simplifies building dynamic websites and web applications. Known for its tag-based syntax, CFML integrates well with databases, making data manipulation straightforward. Often used in enterprise environments, it remains a popular choice for developing interactive, database-driven web pages.


CHILL (CCITT High-Level Language) is a procedural language developed in the 1980s for telecommunication systems. Designed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), CHILL is a strongly typed, block-structured, and object-oriented language to implement large and complex embedded systems. It was widely used in telecommunication switches and signal box programming, offering reliability and runtime efficiency. While its usage has declined with the advent of newer technologies, CHILL remains significant in the history of programming languages for its role in telecommunications software development.


CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) is a rule-based programming language designed for building expert systems and knowledge-based applications. Developed by NASA, it supports logical and declarative programming, making it ideal for handling complex decision-making tasks. CLIPS is widely used in artificial intelligence to develop systems that simulate human expertise and reasoning, especially in diagnostics, scheduling, and data-driven decision-making.

59. Clojure

Clojure is another general-purpose programming language that combines the approach of scripting languages with a solid infrastructure for multithreaded programming. A dialect of Lisp, it has been gaining popularity in recent years thanks to its use in creative computing and the advocacy of several thought leaders.

60. CLU

Developed at MIT in the 1970s, CLU is an influential programming language known for introducing concepts foundational to object-oriented programming, such as data abstraction and clusters (similar to classes). CLU’s design emphasized modularity and reusability, allowing developers to define data types and associated operations explicitly. Though it’s not widely used today, CLU’s innovative ideas greatly influenced later languages like Python and C++.

61. Crystal

A general-purpose, object-oriented language, Crystal was inspired by Ruby and developed to combine its productivity with the speed and efficiency of compiled languages. Thus, it’s a good alternative for Ruby developers looking for increased performance.

62. Curl

Curl is a hybrid programming language designed for web applications, combining markup, scripting, and object-oriented programming elements in a single environment. Known for its flexibility, Curl allows developers to create interactive, data-rich web applications that perform complex tasks directly within the browser. This makes it versatile for building dynamic web pages, especially those requiring robust data manipulation and real-time updates.

63. DiBOL

DiBOL (Digital’s Business Oriented Language) is a high-level programming language tailored for business applications, particularly in accounting, inventory, and payroll systems. Known for its straightforward syntax, DiBOL was designed to handle data processing tasks efficiently, making it popular in the 1970s and 1980s for small to mid-sized business software. Though less common today, it remains significant for legacy business systems in certain industries.

64. Eiffel

Eiffel is an object-oriented programming language that supports robust software development focusing on reliability and reusability. Known for its “Design by Contract” principle, Eiffel emphasizes clear, formalized specifications for each component, ensuring high-quality code. It’s used in software engineering for complex applications requiring stability and scalability, making it particularly popular in academic and research settings.

65. Elixir

Elixir is a general-purpose language that runs on BEAM, Erlang’s virtual machine. That’s because Elixir is based on Erlang and has the same abstractions. The difference is that Elixir provides you with a more productive tooling and extensible design.

66. Elm

Designed specifically for front-end web development, Elm is a functional programming language that compiles JavaScript, making it ideal for creating fast and reliable web applications. Known for its focus on simplicity and performance, Elm helps developers avoid runtime errors by enforcing strict data structures and type safety. Its popularity is growing among software developers who appreciate its ease of debugging and smooth integration into JavaScript projects, making Elm a valuable tool in the modern web development stack.

67. Erlang

Erlang is a general-purpose language originally created to develop telecom applications but is now used to build concurrent applications. With this highly scalable, functional language, you can create telecom tools, web apps, distributed computing, and any other solution that requires handling multiple simultaneous inputs.

68. F#

Microsoft created this general-purpose, cross-platform language with efficiency as its main goal. After reaching open-source status, F# gained popularity. You can now use it for enterprise programming, data science, machine learning, cloud computing, math and stats, and other related fields.

69. Forth

This is a procedural language without type checking that features interactive execution of commands and offers the possibility to compile sequences of commands for later use. Forth is mostly used in embedded systems that require interaction with hardware.

70. GAMS

Designed for complex mathematical modeling, GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) is a high-level language tailored for optimization and economic modeling applications. It’s widely used in fields like energy, finance, and logistics to solve large-scale linear and nonlinear problems efficiently. With its robust solver integrations, GAMS enables researchers and analysts to tackle complex data-driven scenarios precisely.

71. Groovy

Groovy is a versatile, object-oriented programming language for the Java platform, known for its concise syntax and seamless integration with Java libraries. Often used in web development, scripting, and automation, Groovy simplifies complex tasks with its dynamic typing and scripting capabilities. As an open-source language, Groovy has become popular among Java developers looking to enhance productivity and streamline the development process.

72. Icon

Labeled “a very high-level language” by some people, Icon is focused on making it easy to process strings and structures while providing you with high-level graphic possibilities. The syntax is extremely easy to use, given its abstraction level, making it perfect for creating short and concise programs in text analysis, document formatting, and data laundry.

73. Inform

Inform is a peculiar language that powers interactive fiction works. It’s an object-oriented and procedural language that provides the necessary structures to create objects you can combine to create the narrative of your stories.

74. Io

Io is an object-oriented language partly inspired by Smalltalk, Lua, and Lisp. Its philosophy is to explore conceptual unification and dynamic languages, so Io is more about simplicity and flexibility than performance.

75. J

J is a high-level, functional programming language known for its array-oriented approach and concise syntax, which is ideal for complex data analysis and mathematical computations. Developed as a successor to APL, it’s widely used in fields like finance and research to manipulate data and algorithmic development. J’s unique structure and powerful data-handling capabilities make it a popular language for developers tackling intensive data-processing tasks.

76. JScript

JScript is Microsoft’s dialect of JavaScript, tailored for building dynamic, interactive web pages and applications within Internet Explorer. As a scripting language, it enabled developers to create web functionalities like form validation and content manipulation. Although modern JavaScript standards have largely replaced it, JScript played an essential role in early web development and laid the groundwork for future client-side scripting.

77. LabVIEW

LabVIEW is a graphical dataflow language, which means that you build applications by stringing together a set of routines represented by images. It was designed for interfacing with measurement and control devices through simple code, which allows you to build complex tools without having to write a single line.

78. Ladder Logic

The name “Ladder logic” was once used to refer to a method of documentation of the design and construction of relay racks through interconnected symbols. That principle evolved into this language, which presents an application with a graphical diagram. That’s why Ladder Logic is mostly used in industrial control applications.

79. ML

ML stands for “Meta Language,” which indicates its main focus – programming language research. That’s possible thanks to its use of the Hindley-Milner type system, which automatically assigns types without requiring explicit annotations, all while ensuring type safety.

80. Modula-2

Modula-2, a successor to Pascal, was developed with a focus on modularity and system programming, making it ideal for projects that require efficient resource management. Known for its clear syntax and support for concurrent processes, it has been used in applications like operating systems and embedded systems. Though less common today, Modula-2 has influenced many later languages and remains valuable in academia for teaching structured programming fundamentals.

81. Mojo

Aimed at high-performance applications, Mojo is a new programming language that combines the simplicity of Python with the speed of low-level languages like C++. It’s designed for machine learning and data science, making it ideal for handling complex computations efficiently. Mojo’s syntax and flexibility appeal to developers seeking powerful, scalable solutions for intensive tasks.

82. MQL5

MQL5 is a specialized language for developing trading algorithms and technical indicators on the MetaTrader 5 platform. Tailored for financial markets, it supports complex data analysis, automated trading strategies, and custom financial applications. With its object-oriented structure and extensive libraries, MQL5 enables traders and developers to build sophisticated tools for market analysis and automated trading.


NATURAL is another proprietary fourth-generation language that is structured and less procedural than other conventional languages. It creates its programs in the system of the same name and can run them both interpretatively or executed as compiled objects. It was developed to work with Adabas, a database package that’s still widely used.

84. Nim

Nim is a high-level language designed for performance, ease of use, and readability, combining the speed of languages like C with the simplicity of Python. Known for its efficient memory management and cross-platform capabilities, Nim is popular among developers interested in systems programming, game development, and web applications. Its flexible syntax and powerful metaprogramming features make Nim an appealing choice for creating fast, scalable software across various domains.

85. OCaml

OCaml is a functional, general-purpose language known for its powerful type inference and pattern-matching capabilities, making it ideal for complex data manipulation and algorithmic tasks. Combining functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming elements, OCaml is widely used in fields like financial modeling, systems programming, and research. Its expressive syntax and strong static typing offer developers a robust tool for building reliable and scalable applications.

86. Occam

Occam is a procedural language for parallel programming, primarily developed for the Transputer microprocessor architecture. Known for its simplicity and efficiency in handling concurrent processes, Occam is used in applications requiring high parallelism levels, such as real-time systems and embedded systems. Its minimalist syntax and focus on parallel execution make it valuable for developing tightly controlled, resource-efficient programs.

87. OpenCL

Some might say OpenCL is a framework rather than a language, but we stand by the TIOBE Index selection. Through it, it’s possible to create programs that can be executed across many platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs, DSPs, FPGAs, and other processors and accelerators. It provides a standard interface for parallel computing of accelerators found in cloud servers, mobile devices, embedded platforms, and more.

88. PL/I

PL/I, or Programming Language One, is another legacy language that has become very niche. Designed for scientific, engineering, business, and system programming, this procedural, imperative language is now only used to maintain old systems or convert them to run on new hardware.

89. PureScript

For those who dream of combining functional programming purity with the flexibility of JavaScript, this language is a perfect match. PureScript brings the rigor of Haskell to the web, allowing developers to write predictable, type-safe code that compiles directly to JavaScript. With its strong emphasis on pure functions and expressive types, PureScript has become a beloved tool for building complex, interactive web applications that are both robust and maintainable.

90. Q

Q is another proprietary language designed for array processing and to serve as a query language for kdb+, a column-based database. This database, in turn, is based on the language k, of which Q is a variation with a more readable interface.

91. Ring

Ring puts innovation at the forefront of its logic. This general-purpose language supports many programming paradigms, including imperative, procedural, object-oriented, declarative, functional, meta, and natural programming. Ring can be simple and fast in many projects, from web development to game development.

92. RPG

RPG (Report Program Generator) is a high-level language developed by IBM that originally served as an alternative to the punch card processing system on the IBM 1401. Today, it has evolved into a COBOL-like language that serves many businesses to create commercial applications on IBM’s iSeries minicomputer system.

93. S

The predecessor to R, S is a high-level data manipulation and analysis language. Highly extensible, S is a functional system that treats functions written by users as first-class objects similar to those of the system. Its code is readable, and the language is fairly easy to understand, so it’s used for statistical and graphical analysis in large applications.


A variation of Ada, SPARK is a formally defined language whose main purpose is the development of software for high-profile safety-critical systems such as those used in aviation and space applications. To maintain your solution’s safety and security, you can use its contracts to dynamically verify its components’ specifications.

95. Stata

Stata is more than a language – a pair of powerful languages packed in a platform developed to support statistical analysis and specialist research. You can solve complex statistical problems and produce charts, graphics, and simulations through it. Both languages are great for writing scripts and manipulating data.

96. SystemVerilog

SystemVerilog is a hardware description and verification language designed to model, simulate, and test complex digital systems like integrated circuits. Combining features of Verilog with advanced constructs for verification, it supports hardware design and testing within a single environment. SystemVerilog is widely used in the semiconductor industry, as it enables efficient development and validation of hardware systems through robust simulation and synthesis capabilities.

97. VHDL

Another hardware description language, VHDL, is another popular alternative for people involved in designing  CPUs, motherboards, FPGAs, and many other types of digital circuitry. VHDL can also work to simulate and test the performance of all designs.

98. Wolfram

Wolfram Language, developed by Wolfram Research, is a symbolic programming language known for focusing on computational mathematics, data science, and algorithm development. With built-in access to extensive mathematical functions and datasets, it’s popular in research, scientific computing, and machine learning. The language’s high-level syntax and integration with the Wolfram ecosystem make it a powerful tool for professionals needing complex data analysis and visualization.

99. X++

X++ is an object-oriented language designed for business application development within Microsoft Dynamics AX (now Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations). Tailored for enterprise solutions, X++ enables developers to handle the manipulation of lots of data, business logic, and transaction management within the Dynamics framework. Its deep integration with the .NET framework allows for the efficient development of scalable, enterprise-grade applications.

100. Zig

Zig is a general-purpose language designed for optimal software development, emphasizing robustness and performance. It offers low-level control akin to C and is well-suited for systems programming, operating systems, and game development. Zig provides software developers with a modern tool that balances efficiency and safety, featuring manual memory management and a straightforward syntax. As an open-source option among many programming languages, it is gaining popularity for creating efficient software applications that require precise control over hardware resources.

The Fascinating World Of Programming Languages

Exploring the vast landscape of programming languages reveals just how varied and adaptable this field can be— and we’ve only scratched the surface! There are countless others, each with a unique purpose, from general-purpose tools to highly specialized languages like markup language for web pages or database query languages for handling relational databases. And it’s not just about the languages; the ecosystem is enriched with frameworks, libraries, development environments, and tools that all add to the complexity and creativity of software development.

This diversity is part of what makes programming so exciting. With in-demand programming languages, like object-oriented and functional programming languages, machine learning tools, and logic programming languages, the possibilities are endless. Each language and tool offers a unique path tailored to tasks like game development, web application building, or working with data structures and computer architecture. Becoming a developer means navigating these options and building programming knowledge to find what aligns best with your goals.

The programming languages highlighted here are a solid foundation for any aspiring software developer, especially if you aim to enter popular programming areas like web development, database management, or computer programming.

These languages aren’t just the “most popular programming languages” but are also essential for gaining a high-level understanding and preparing for specialized work in areas like the Java virtual machine or writing cross-browser code.

So, start with one programming language that feels right, get a basic understanding, and watch where your skills take you in the world of code!

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Justice Erolin

By Justice Erolin

Responsible for translating the company vision into technical roadmaps, BairesDev CTO Justice Erolin plans and coordinates engineering teams to help their output meet the highest market standards. His management and engineering expertise help take BairesDev's capabilities to the next level.

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  3. The 100 Top Programming Languages in 2025

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