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Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript: A Detailed Comparison

Debating between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript for your next project? We compare them side-by-side, focusing on performance, scalability, and ease of use.

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Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript: A Detailed Comparison

Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript: which is better? How do they compare?

That’s the perpetual debate. And it’s an important question, given how the technologies often compete with each other. That’s why we’ve prepared a detailed comparison between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript.

Ruby on Rails is a web development framework primarily used for back-end or server-side development. It helps web developers design the skeleton for desktop and web applications, helping them create a solid foundational structure. It is an excellent back-end framework, although it’s not exclusively used for the server side.

JavaScript is a programming language used to design and build dynamic and interactive web pages. It’s useful for both front-end and back-end development. JavaScript is often recommended for web applications that need interactive functionalities, features, and effects to improve user engagement.

Now, let’s dive into the comparisons.

Understanding Ruby on Rails

Created by David Heinemeir Hansson in 2004, Ruby on Rails (RoR) is essentially a web framework most suitable for server-side development. The framework is built on top of Ruby and is preferred by developers for its ability to provide web apps and websites with a solid foundational structure and the ability to add functionalities to them.

Compliant with the Model View Controller framework pattern, RoR includes data storehouses (Models) and mediators (Controllers), while the View presents the information. The framework is often regarded as the best back-end framework since it adds simplicity, extensibility, and portability to any website or web application development project.

The availability of Convention over Configuration (CoC), Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY), active record patterns, and plug-and-play gems makes it all the more efficient. This helps developers build large-scale applications while making the most of seamless database table creations, view scaffolding, migrations, and more.

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

Here are the top advantages of Ruby on Rails:

  • Convenient: With a readable syntax, endless built-in solutions, Gems, and principles like CoC and DRY, Ruby on Rails facilitates quick and convenient web development.
  • Community support: The Ruby on Rails framework keeps evolving, which also helps increase the size of its highly dedicated developers’ community online, especially on platforms like Dev and Stack.
  • Content management systems: RoR helps build content management systems with easy navigation and convenient content uploading, storing, reviewing, and publishing features because it runs on the MVC framework.
  • Front-end compatibility: Ruby on Rails can be used with other development frameworks like Angular.js, React.js, and Vue. This front-end compatibility helps developers reduce the effort and time it takes to develop applications.
  • Industry standards: Ruby on Rails follows industry standards and practices to develop and implement complex, well-maintained, structured, and manageable code adhering to methodologies like CoC and DRY.
  • Cost effective: The open-source nature of Ruby on Rails makes it convenient for developers to access gems, improve code construction and maintenance, and ensure high quality and strong performance without businesses having to invest more money.
  • Best for long-term projects: RoR can be quite useful when building long-term projects because it simplifies the process of making changes to the data model without jeopardizing the code’s stability.
  • Boosts productivity: Developers using RoR tend to implement code quickly because they are equipped with endless third-party libraries. Couple them with RoR’s documentation, and your team will enjoy productive web development.

Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails

Of course, there are also disadvantages to using RoR.

  • Hard dependencies: Getting the project started requires routing configuration, database migrations, framework models, and other steps. The preset modules aren’t enough to develop unique web applications.
  • Slow runtime performance: RoR has several performance constraints that make it difficult to scale code. The constraints are server or database-based and are triggered by the programmers’ skill level.
  • Continuous evolution: Although evolution in the framework is not necessarily a bad thing, it can cause problems when you’re implementing code. The RoR community is always coming up with new releases to ensure rapid development of the framework, making it difficult for developers to keep their applications up to date.

Understanding JavaScript

JavaScript is a well-known programming language created by Brendan Eich in 1995. Did you know the foundational framework for the World Wide Web is built on JavaScript? This high-level dynamic programming language has a huge following because of its many qualities. For example, it facilitates curly bracket syntax, prototype-based object orientation, dynamic typing, and other important features.

JavaScript developers often use the language to build client-side websites, It’s natively supported by modern-day web browsers, enabling the development of interactive applications and sites. It is an interpreted language used primarily for web browsers, web-based applications, embedded hardware controllers, and other software. JavaScript is generally the go-to language when both front-end and back-end development is required.

It’s important to note that the runtime environment Node is used to facilitate the use of JavaScript in back-end development.

Let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using JavaScript.

Advantages of JavaScript

What makes JavaScript such a sought-after language? Here are the advantages of using JavaScript:

  • Simple and easy to learn: The simplicity of the structure of JavaScript makes it easier to understand. It’s less time-consuming to use and more flexible. There’s also extensive documentation to help with refining JavaScript code and debugging
  • High-runtime performance: JavaScript offers a faster execution speed, less time-consuming coding, and high-speed client-server scripting.
  • Excellent for full-stack development: JavaScript is an excellent choice for full-stack development since Node.js can be used to support back-end development, and JavaScript libraries Angular and React can be used to aid front-end development. Javascript works in conjunction with other frameworks and languages as well.
  • Effective data validation: JavaScript enables data validation that doesn’t depend on the server side when running client-side applications. In other words, updating a particular webpage component doesn’t require reloading the entire page.
  • A commonly used language: Since JavaScript can be used to develop cross-platform applications, desktop web applications, and more, it has become a go-to programming language.
  • Used for versatile applications: The availability of top JavaScript tools, libraries, and universally interpreted language makes JavaScript an ideal language for creating client and server-side web applications.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

Here are the drawbacks to using JavaScript:

  • Runs security risks: The JavaScript codebase is easily accessible, and attackers may use it to make alterations or even leak sensitive data.
  • Callback hell/pyramid: Development in JavaScript may lead developers to have multiple nested callbacks within callbacks. This makes the code hard to interpret and more prone to errors.
  • Forced-to-use types: The type coercion rules in JavaScript are complicated and can make it difficult for developers to conveniently apply the values from one data type to another, leading to errors and inconsistencies.

Comparing Ruby on Rails and JavaScript

To give you a better understanding of Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, let’s take a closer look at their key differences, including applications, programming style, speed and performance, community and support, learning curve, job market, and more.

Key Differences Between RoR and JavaScript

Here are the key differences between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript:


RoR is a web framework used for back-end development. It’s best utilized for complex software development because it runs on the Convention over Configuration technique. CoC helps developers rely on classic programming principles and makes it easier for them to align modules while minimizing risks and vulnerabilities.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is an excellent choice for front-end projects. It is widely used for client-side application development. It can also be used as a server-side programming language with the help of Node.js. JavaScript’s use cases include mobile app development to improve client-side functionalities, front-end web development to validate external programs on a site, web game development with the JavaScript Easel package, and more.

Programming Style

RoR uses Ruby, an object-oriented and general scripting programming language with the MVC architecture. This back-end architecture allows RoR to facilitate convenient content creation and management, making it easier for users to add, upload, review, and publish content. RoR also runs on the Convention over Configuration and Don’t Repeat Yourself methods, helping developers use classic programming conventions to significantly reduce errors.

JavaScript doesn’t force developers to stick to a specific architecture—it can be used in multiple paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. It uses a curly bracket syntax, prototype-based object orientation, dynamic typing, and first-class functions.

Speed and Performance

RoR’s use of modern tools contributes to fast coding and code delivery. Its extensive libraries enable quick development while solving many programming issues. However, the framework doesn’t completely support asynchronous code, resulting in a slow processing speed. Moreover, RoR code is interpreted at runtime, making it less effective.

JavaScript can detect syntax related issues, event queue operators, HTTP requests, and its additional functions. It supports asynchronous coding, which facilitates instant code execution. JavaScript, unlike RoR, doesn’t provide developers with a simple solution to fix errors. When it comes to performance, JavaScript is best suited for low-latency applications.

Community and Support

Both RoR and JavaScript have a large community of developers. However, JavaScript has a more extensive community since it is used to develop more than 95% of the websites today.

Ruby on Rails has a vibrant community on GitHub, promoting CoC and a standardized structure for web development. For support, RoR aficionados have RubyGems, which provides a vast collection of easily integrable gems. JavaScript boasts a rich ecosystem of libraries, tools, resources, tutorials, and a highly energetic developer community online.

Learning Curve

RoR has a modest learning curve—developers find its framework quite user-friendly. It is also regarded as one of the easiest programming languages to learn since it comes with a well-maintained and pre-configured framework. The CoC and DRY principles help with easy code development.

JavaScript, on the other hand, has a fairly moderate learning curve. It has wide-ranging documentation to offer, and developers can make the most of its online forums, communities, and modules, which make learning the language simpler. Once developers get an idea, implementing JavaScript becomes easier.

Job Market

Both JavaScript and RoR developers are quite respected and recognized in the market. However, developers with JavaScript skills are generally paid more than those with RoR skills. The average salary of developers with Ruby on Rails skills is $95,617 per year, while that of developers with JavaScript skills is around $116,435 per year.

Of course, there are many different factors to consider when choosing the right technology for your specific project goals and requirements.

Choosing Between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript

Both Ruby on Rails and JavaScript are programming tools with unique personalities. The pros, cons, and other attributes we’ve discussed are a testament to how different they are. So, it all comes down to the developers’ requirements and preferences.

When developers need to work with MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, or Oracle, Rails is an excellent choice. Ruby on Rails can get the job done if you need to develop an e-commerce website, require complex software development, or develop entertainment platforms.

JavaScript development has a broad range of language-related applications and is best suited for developing web applications, games, and mobile applications. This is possible since JavaScript has the unique ability to function both as a front-end and back-end language.

Both JavaScript and Ruby on Rails have their core audiences. This is why we suggest beginners and startups prioritize their specific needs and then choose tools and technologies that complement them.

Factor Ruby on Rails JavaScript
Affiliated Language Ruby JavaScript
Architecture Model-View-Controller Depends on application
Speed of coding CoC allows rapid development Speed is dependent on frameworks and developers’ skills
Performance Medium-level performance Exceptionally high performance
Scalability Complex scalability Allows efficient scalability
Learning curve Easier to learn and implement Difficult to understand for beginners
Security Highly secure Less secure
Testing Built-in testing framework Can use various testing frameworks
Database integration ActiveRecord ORM allows efficient integration Requires additional frameworks


Ultimately, the choice between RoR and JavaScript depends on the project specifications, goals, and requirements.

RoR is more of a back-end-specific programming framework, while JavaScript is a client-side scripting language useful for both back-end and front-end development.

RoR and JavaScript complement each other. The best way to go forward is by figuring out the project-specific requirements. However, we recommend readers experiment with both tools to determine the best one for their project.


Can Ruby on Rails work with JavaScript?

Yes, Ruby on Rails and JavaScript can seamlessly work together when building a web application. Developers can use Ruby on Rails for the backend development of the web application while making the most of JavaScript for frontend development. When used together, RoR and JS can help facilitate a robust web experience.

Are there performance differences between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript?

Yes, Ruby on Rails allows for high-speed coding and delivery when developers use its modern IT tools, extensive libraries, and documentation. However, the asynchronous nature of its code results in slow processing speed. JavaScript supports asynchronous coding to allow fast code execution. JavaScript is 20 times faster than RoR because it has a highly optimized engine.

Is Ruby on Rails or JavaScript better for beginners?

Beginners should look for user-friendliness when deciding between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript. When it comes to learning curves, RoR takes an edge as the framework is very user-friendly, making it easier for developers to get used to the development process. To achieve the same, JavaScript prepares excellent documentation. However, beginners might find it hard to understand it.

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Michael Warren

By Michael Warren

Business Development Executive Michael Warren is responsible for the development of BairesDev's growth through increased customer acquisition and overall sales. Michael helps drive sales forward by nurturing existing customer relationships and generating new ones through different channels.

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