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Ruby on Rails vs Django: Which is Right for You?

Ruby on Rails or Django? Find out which framework suits your web development needs. We analyze their strengths, differences, and ideal use cases.

10 min read
Ruby on Rails vs Django

The best part of choosing a web development framework today is the wide range of options available on the market. However, making an informed decision can be quite overwhelming, especially if you have no prior knowledge or experience with using a particular framework. Factors such as the application’s functionalities, maintenance costs, resource allocation, and overall project success are at stake.

This is why we have boiled down the list of web development frameworks to the two most sought-after programming frameworks on the market: 1) Ruby on Rails, and 2) Django. Still, we have a debate at hand—which of the two top web development frameworks is better, and, more importantly, which is right for you and your project?

In this guide, we will compare the two frameworks, looking at their purposes, pros, cons, use cases, key differences, and overall popularity among web developers—with the goal of helping you choose the framework that suits your specific web application development requirements.

Ruby on Rails: Ruby for Web Apps

Ruby on Rails is an open-source and server-side web framework developed under the MIT License. This framework is popular for its model-view-controller design pattern, known for providing a solid jump board for databases, web pages, applications, and web services. Ruby on Rails functions on the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and Convention Over Configuration principles.

The Convention Over Configuration principle helps developers program for logical situations without having to make their own rules and logic. RoR provides an environment that can be integrated with front-end web frameworks and libraries like React, Angular and Vue—making programming a walk in the park. This web application framework is highly adaptable to changes and allows developers to experiment with the developed products.

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

Let’s go over some advantages of using Ruby on Rails.

Makes modifications easier

Modification on the Ruby on Rails framework cannot be any simpler. Developers can easily alter the existing code to add or remove features on a site. Moreover, modifications are not limited to the application’s development phase. Programmers can easily make any significant changes to the fundamental code—a testament to the framework’s stability and predictability.

Highly cost-effective

Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework. It is completely free to use and runs on Linux. Since the framework comes with numerous plugins and libraries, Rails is easy to work with. It tends to save developers time and effort while designing an application for quality, performance, and scalability.

Large online community

Since Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular and widely used programming frameworks on GitHub, developers will never run out of ideas to optimize their code for better performance. The large online community is quite helpful when you need to develop code for a specific functionality or resolve coding-related issues.

Optimization leads to performance

Applications requiring major computation or data handling might encounter performance drops on Rails. However, these performance drops can be associated with inefficient coding practices. We suggest developers consider code optimization because it will significantly improve the application’s performance. The fixes and tools shared on the Rails community will always come in handy when addressing performance-related issues.

MVC architecture

The Ruby on Rails web development framework creates programs with three interconnected layers. MVC or Model-View-Controller architecture not only contains the application’s operating code but also its business logic and data manipulation rules. Developers can access the application data in formats like HTML, PDF, RSS, XML, and others.

Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails

Of course, there are also some disadvantages to using Ruby on Rails.

Slow runtime speed

There are faster web frameworks available in the market. Applications built on the Rails web framework take a lot of time to complete. Twitter, for example, had to stop relying on RoR as the social media network grew in size. However, abandoning the framework entirely wasn’t possible. Twitter later decided to replace internal communication components with Scala solutions.

Lack of versatility

Ruby on Rails leaves no room for experimentation and versatility. Developers are stuck with the basic tasks and features. In other words, you will only get to play with the defaults and predefined objects. Therefore, we suggest you consider a framework’s basic elements and check whether or not they add value to your project.

Low boot rate

The boot rate is another disadvantage of RoR. Developers need to accomplish programming tasks quickly without jeopardizing the application’s functionality. High boot speed can help developers reduce the time it takes to start up the program. A low boot rate is often associated with codes functioning on a high number of gem dependencies and files.

Mistakes lead to performance drop

The more mistakes you have in the code, the worse the application’s performance will be. As a developer working with RoR framework, you will need to be thorough and give attention to the smallest of details while programming. Things can take a major left turn if you end up making a mistake early in the programming process—completely slowing down your entire development cycle.

Ruby Use Cases

Ruby on Rails is an excellent web framework when developers need rapid web app development. It provides the perfect environment for web projects with short deadlines. It can help you develop scalable web applications and APIs. It’s a popular web framework used by top companies like Shopify, Hulu, Basecamp, Airbnb, and Twitter.

Django: The Python-Based Web Framework

Django is a Python-based web framework that was first introduced in 2005. Used predominantly for Python app development, Django is a highly validated web development framework thanks to its all-purpose, cost-free, and open-source nature.

The Django web development framework helps programmers speed up the entire project development process, by ensuring a streamlined cycle and providing tools for data validation, logging, pagination, authentication, and static file management. Adhering to the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” principle, Django aims to eliminate formulaic redundancies, an error typically occurring when creating structures from code.

Now, let’s look at the advantages, disadvantages, and use cases of Django.

Advantages of Django

Ensures secure backend

Since Django is used for building applications such as social media networks, its backend should have the capacity to securely handle accounts and data. The already-configured framework ensures this by having a system for user authentication. The addition of HTTPS, Clickjacking, cross site scripting, CSRF, and SQL injection makes the framework all the more secure.

Best online community

Django has been on the market for over sixteen years. In that time, the web framework has built a massive online community of proactive developers who are ready to take on any Django-specific coding challenge. Programmers who run into obstacles can refer to the community and easily find support and guidance..

Unmatched versatility

Django is a complete framework that can handle development for even the most complex applications. Its ability to scale allows developers to build applications that will perform as expected when subjected to real-life challenges. Django’s framework has been used to develop content management systems, social media networks, online search engines, and more. Such adaptability makes it the perfect framework for complex data analysis.

Useful documentation

The creators of Django have developed a highly useful framework documentation, which is divided into several sections—all relating to the assistance required for different types of issues. Developers can refer to the documentation and get most of their queries taken care of.

Disadvantages of Django

No coding conventions

Unlike RoR, Django doesn’t offer guiding principles for developers to follow during the web development cycle. A coding convention is often required by developers to ensure they program within the set framework standards. A lack of such a rulebook in Django can sometimes lead to slower development on the web framework.

Applications may slow down

There have been instances when Django-based applications have slowed down, despite their speedy development. However, it is crucial to figure out why the applications slowed down in the first place. While this might not be due to the framework itself, the lack of speed can be credited to the large number of resources required to make the application work.

Not suitable for low-level projects

We wouldn’t recommend that programmers use Django if they don’t need complex features in their projects. Django is generally used for high-level projects requiring complex coding. If you’re looking to get your project completed quickly, RoR is the better framework for you.

Comes with a learning curve

The Django framework is quite large and difficult to learn. Developers can’t expect to go deep into the development cycle without first understanding the overall structure of the framework. However, Django comes with excellent documentation and an incredible online community to fall back on—making development easier.

Django Use Cases

Django is an excellent choice of web development framework if you require a highly detailed application. Although developers might need to have some prior programming experience, the presence of an incredible online community will generally help them get the job done. Top companies that use Django to build their websites and applications are Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, Disqus, The Washington Post, and more.

Key Differences Between Ruby on Rails and Django

Let’s discuss the key differences between Ruby on Rails and Django.

Criteria Python Ruby
Creation Year 1991 1995
Creator (Wikipedia link) Guido van Rossum Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto
Documentation (link) Python Docs Ruby Docs
Language Type Interpreted Language Interpreted Language
Typing Dynamically Typed Dynamically Typed
TIOBE Rating (reference) 8th as of 2021 11th as of 2021
Popularity Interest growing steadily, see StackOverflow survey 2021 Interest slowly declining, see StackOverflow survey 2021
Applications Web development, Data Analysis, AI and Machine Learning, etc. Web development, Systems Administration, etc.
Performance Generally slower Comparable or slightly faster
Stability Highly stable Highly stable
Learning Curve Generally easier due to readability and simplicity Higher due to metaprogramming and flexible syntax
Community Support Extensive;, GitHub, StackOverflow, etc. Large number of online learning resources. Extensive;, GitHub, StackOverflow, etc. Large number of online learning resources.
Development Time Generally quicker due to simplicity Varies, can be quicker due to flexible syntax
Key Advantages
  • High readability
  • Huge standard library
  • Great for prototyping
  • Very flexible
  • Strong metaprogramming capabilities
  • Elegant and minimal syntax
Key Disadvantages
  • Slower runtime performance
  • Global Interpreter Lock
  • Not ideal for mobile development
  • Declining popularity
  • Slower runtime performance
  • Less versatile than Python
Famous companies using this technology (link) Google, Facebook, Instagram (source) Twitter, Airbnb, Shopify (source)
Cross-Platform Support Excellent; runs on many systems without changes Excellent; runs on many systems using Ruby interpreter

#1 Programming Language

Let’s start with the programming language these two web development frameworks use. Django uses Python, while RoR uses the Ruby programming language. Both are top programming languages, but Python wins this battle due to its growing popularity in recent years. Django stands out for its ability to make the code more clear and readable.

Nevertheless, Ruby gives Django some tough competition because it has more flexibility and freedom to offer developers. Since Django is Python-based, it is easy to learn, write, and implement. At the same time, Ruby is a programming language designed to make the process of web development enjoyable.

Winner: Both

#2 Design Philosophy

The design philosophies these two frameworks are built on are also different. First, we have RoR, which has a more conversion-bent design philosophy. In other words, Ruby on Rails focuses more on getting the job done by affording developers more flexibility and development opportunities.

Rails’ Convention Over Configuration philosophy doubles down on progress over stability, helping developers design groundbreaking software solutions. Django, on the other hand, has a more explicit design philosophy (“Explicit is better than Implicit”), pushing for a conservative approach to programming. Nevertheless, Django allows for more straightforward web development, which is its major upside.

Winner: Both

#3 Speed and Performance

Speed and performance are major factors when it comes to choosing the best programming toolkit. So, which web development framework is faster—Django or RoR? Turns out, Rails is 0.7 percent faster than Django. This is because Rails comes loaded with libraries and plugins that favor programming speed and performance enhancement.

To match Ruby’s rich repository, Django also offers fast development processes through the “Django REST framework”. The framework allows Django to extend convenience to developers with its authentication modules, JSON serializers/deserializers, and other features. While Ruby is technically faster, developers do appreciate Django for its REST framework.

Winner: Ruby on Rails

#4 Community and Support

Another important factor developers consider when choosing a programming toolkit is community support. This is critical to any web development project’s success, especially when the developer has to deal with a new programming tool or language. Django, as we mentioned earlier, is an open-source web development framework that boasts an open-source ecosystem.

In other words, developers get to leverage an endless supply of libraries and tools. Moreover, the official documentation for Django will do an excellent job of solving your queries. Meanwhile, Ruby on Rails takes pride in its community of highly proactive 5,000 developers. However, Django certainly has an edge here with its community of more than 11,000 developers and more than 4,000 ready-made packages!

Winner: Django

#5 Learning Curve

Developers who are still in the early stages have only one question in mind: “How fast can I learn the programming tool?” The learning curve is a factor that can impact a developer’s ability to finish the project within the timeframe without jeopardizing the application’s quality or effectiveness. The higher the learning curve, the more time it takes to understand the tool and the more time it will take to finish the project.

Since Django is Python-based, it has a smaller learning curve when compared to Ruby on Rails. Django is also supported by various online and offline resources which can help developers resolve queries quickly.

What about RoR? Compared to Django, Rails is more difficult to learn and master. Its steep learning curve might make it a developer’s second choice. However, for a seasoned programmer, Ruby on Rails’ learning curve probably won’t make much of a difference.

Winner: Django

#6 Job Market

Developers looking to learn a new programming tool should also consider the market implications of their decisions. According to Glassdoor, developers with expertise in Ruby on Rails could earn an average salary of around $100,000 USD per year. Meanwhile, Django developers earn roughly $90,000 on average.

Winner: Ruby on Rails

Choosing Between Ruby on Rails and Django

Both Ruby on Rails and Django are top web frameworks that are widely used in the development community. However, for certain applications and use cases, you’ll probably gravitate toward one over the other.

Django development is the better choice if you need to build an application to manage a large database or extremely secure websites. Modern web apps that use artificial intelligence or machine learning might require a sizable development team. In such cases, we suggest you also use Django to get started. Django is a good choice for projects requiring data visualization and analysis, math and complex computing, and web apps that will experience heavy user traffic.

And when should you use Ruby on Rails? RoR development is the better framework if the project requires accelerated MVP creation, especially when you need to develop a prototype. RoR-built eCommerce web apps tend to provide a safer and more secure customer experience while rendering the websites scalable and live-updatable. It’s also an excellent web development framework if you need to develop a quick solution and meet a short deadline. It can be coupled with popular front-end frameworks and libraries to allow you to add cutting-edge app functionalities.


The choice between Ruby on Rails and Django is similar to that or  is not an easy one since both RoR and Django come with their own sets of advantages and disadvantages.

That’s why it’s important to clearly flesh out your project requirements, expectations, the type of web app required, the business goals associated with the application, and the potential for scalability.

After all, it’s important to understand what you’re looking for before you make a decision. Once you have your objective in mind, you will have a better idea of which web framework is the better choice to help you meet your particular business goals.

If you enjoyed this article, check out one of our other Python articles.


Is Ruby on Rails vs. Django better for beginners?

The learning curve is a major factor when choosing either Ruby on Rails or Django as your web development framework. Rails is infamous for its steep learning curve. This is because the framework comes with independent concepts that a developer needs to understand before using the programming tool.

In other words, RoR is more suitable for experienced developers. Django has a smaller learning curve, and the resources available online help newer developers learn the framework. Therefore, Django is typically a better web development framework than Ruby on Rails for beginners.

Which is more popular: Ruby on Rails or Django?

Although both Ruby on Rails and Django are popular web development frameworks among developers, Django is more widely used than RoR.

The 2023 developer survey conducted by StackOverflow shows that 11.5% of developers prefer and use Django while only 5.5% turn to Ruby on Rails. Moreover, the growing popularity of the Python programming language is also a reason Django is more widely used than Ruby on Rails in 2023.

Are there performance differences between Ruby on Rails and Django?

Yes, there is a technical difference in performance between Ruby on Rails and Django. However, the difference is so minute that you probably wouldn’t even notice it. When it comes to performance, RoR leads by just 0.7%.

Such a small performance advantage is due to Rails’ rich repository that contains speed-enhancing libraries and plugins. Nevertheless, Django does an impressive job by providing developers with authentication modules and JSON serializers/deserializers, which add to the convenience the framework offers. Both Django and Ruby on Rails are modern programming frameworks that provide high performance.

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