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Technology - Big Data Is

It’s been said that the amount of data being created across the globe is growing at such a fast pace that 90% of it was generated just in the last two years.

By Emma White

5 min read

Talent - Are Full-Stack Developers

With an evergrowing and expanding field and web developers becoming specialists, can the Full-Stack developer survive in a world that’s increasingly more complex?

By Elsa Bouilhol

6 min read

Software Development - How to Avoid
Software Development

The Pull Request paradox is what happens when two developers are so busy working on what they’re doing that they forget to check each other's work. How does this affect our project and how best to avoid it?

By Lisandro Pavetti

7 min read

web 3.0 concept

The next iteration of the internet could be dramatically different than what we have today. What does the future hold for the web and how might it affect your business?

By Melissa Olander

5 min read

food insecurity

In 2020, approximately 155 million people suffered from food insecurity-related issues. But there is a way forward, thanks to technology.

By Paul Baker

5 min read

Software Development

Should you embrace a methodology or focus on problem solving? Are these approaches at odds or can there be common ground?

By Andy Horvitz

7 min read


While it still isn’t a widespread practice, codeless automated testing is surely starting to feel appealing to more and more QA engineers and testers. Let’s review why.

By Chris Taylor

8 min read

Biz & Tech

Technology should augment, not replace, human instruction. That’s just one lesson we’ve learned from the e-learning landscape during COVID-19.

By Nate Dow

6 min read

Technology - Understanding Software Licensing

Your product could be phenomenal, but before you deploy it, you need to grapple with the legalities surrounding the distribution and usage of your software.

By Fernando Galano

5 min read

Talent - Why Team Collaboration

Even when businesses do develop a continuous security program for their workforces, they often forget about the power of team collaboration in cybersecurity. Here are the reasons why you shouldn’t make that mistake.

By Lucas Hendrich

6 min read

Software Development - The Future of
Software Development

What can development teams and companies alike expect from the world of front-end website development in 2023?

By Emma White

6 min read

Innovation - Why Distributed Companies

Companies with distributed teams are finding that DaaS is a valuable ally for their operations. Here’s why that happens.

By Luis Paiva

8 min read

Biz & Tech - Bringing Humanity into
Biz & Tech

Today, many of us lack that human connection we so desperately crave. Though not an obvious pairing, technology plus healthcare could be the solution.

By Alexander Levi Daniels

5 min read

Technology - The Challenges of

Natural Language Processing is a powerful tool for exploring opinions in Social Media, but the process has its own share of issues.

By Justice Erolin

6 min read

Talent - What Are Companies

For organizations that need IT assistance and are having trouble finding it, the key to maintaining support for their technology efforts is creativity.

By Ezequiel Ruiz

6 min read

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