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Technology - The 100 Top

Compiling the top 100 programming languages out there is a herculean task. But we did it in this overview where we’ll see what each of them is about and why you should consider using them.

By Justice Erolin

39 min read

Data driven leaders
Biz & Tech

Every business leader has a gut feeling on how to do things. But, sometimes, the data tells you to go the other way.

By Damian Scalerandi

6 min read

Uncategorized - Best Programming Languages

As you scale your startup, you need a language that will allow movement and growth. But you must also account for different scenarios.

By Pablo Chamorro

6 min read

Blockchain Industry

While blockchain was once seen solely as the force behind cryptocurrency, it’s already disrupting numerous other industries and many unique sectors.

By Jeff Moore

6 min read

Java Developer programming custom software application
Software Development

Given its ease of use, many businesses turn to Java when they are looking for a speedy turnaround for a high-performance web application.

By Justice Erolin

11 min read

Quality Assurance Strategy
Software Development

While you may already have a strategy in place, it’s important to assess it regularly.

By Emma White

6 min read

QA process
Software Development

QA and testing do much more than catching bugs.

By Robert Butler

6 min read

Business mobile app
Biz & Tech

And how to make it stand out among the crowd.

By Edward Batten

6 min read

Telemedicine Software Development
Biz & Tech

To outsource telemedicine software development, all you need to do is find the right match for your project and for your company.

By Damian Scalerandi

5 min read

Talent - 3 Skills Any

It’s all about falling in love with the language and then using that passion to grow.

By Chris Taylor

6 min read

outsourcing software developers
Software Outsourcing

Outsourcing software developers is a different journey for everyone.

By Pablo Chamorro

7 min read

top talent outsourcing
Biz & Tech

Having access to high-quality software solutions is more important than ever.

By Facundo Molina

6 min read

Biz & Tech - Navigating IT During
Biz & Tech

Technology is critical for weathering this pandemic. While there are plenty of challenges, IT professionals can use them as an opportunity to innovate and create an entirely new way of working.

By Emma White

5 min read

MVP software development
Software Development

Technology is more accessible than ever. There's no reason not to make the most out of it.

By Jeff Moore

5 min read

Software Development - Overcoming the New
Software Development

In a world where the evolution of telecom technology is mandatory to keep national economies running, having on-demand access to talented software engineers is a must.

By Luis Paiva

5 min read

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