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software quality assurance

These trends will bring a lot of changes and new challenges in Software Quality Assurance. 2021 will be the year for QA innovation.

By Chris Taylor

5 min read

AI psychometrics

“An invalid psychometric instrument is business poison, whereas a good psychometric is a litmus test”.

By Ezequiel Ruiz

7 min read

software bug

Unlike human cognition, machines can’t use heuristics (usually) to guess what a miswritten instruction means, so it's best to know your way around debugging.

By Elizabeth Moss

7 min read

Software Development - Agile Methodology Challenges
Software Development

Agile methodologies deliver quicker results, involve the client in the development process, and contribute to the quality of the end product.

By Daniel Zacharias

7 min read

web traffic
Biz & Tech

Web traffic is critical for your brand’s success. It informs you of who identifies with your mission and who is interested in the services you offer.

By David Russo

7 min read

Talent - Why Programmers Should

There's an old adage that applies to every software developer: The more you know, the more you grow. And that also applies to the companies they work for.

By Robert Butler

6 min read

SQL Disaster Recovery

How can your database system help you overcome a catastrophic failure and put your business back on track ASAP?

By Rafael Cuesta | R&amp

5 min read

IoT Edge Computing

Both IoT and Edge Computing are here to stay, as they serve very important functions in business and society. But here's where they differ.

By Paul Baker

6 min read

developer interview

If you remain stuck in the past with your interview techniques, you might well miss out on some of the best hires of your career.

By Eugenia Fiore

6 min read

Software Development - Top 14 Software
Software Development

With rapid advancements and new software development trends emerging, the coming year promises significant innovations in the software industry.

By James Miller

14 min read


Innovations like telehealth, wearable technology, AR, and others are definitely here to stay for the long haul.

By Lorena Albaretto

6 min read

Biz & Tech - 7 Business/Developer Pain
Biz & Tech

No software development relationship or agreement is without hiccups—which is why proper communication is so important.

By Mike Maschwitz

6 min read

Bugs Software Developoment
Software Development

Bugs are an all-too-common occurrence in software. They can mar not only your product but your reputation if you don’t address them early enough.

By Michael Warren

6 min read

App strategy
Biz & Tech

Apps are an important part of your strategy and can make your business more solid and profitable.

By Edward Batten

6 min read

bug reporting
Software Development

You can't address a problem until you know the said problem exists. And that's why you need better bug reporting.

By Robert Butler

6 min read

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