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Technology - Why Now Is

Remote work is here to stay, and companies must ensure their distributed networks are secure against rising cyber threats from outside and inside their borders.

By David Russo

6 min read

Talent - How to Attract

The demand for top software developers is fierce. But with sound strategies, employers can manage to attract and retain top tech professionals.

By Elsa Bouilhol

5 min read

Biz & Tech - A Project Planning
Biz & Tech

A considerable amount of work and effort goes into a software project. But with this checklist, you can keep track of everything on your plate.

By Pablo Chamorro

6 min read

Software Development - Is Waterfall the
Software Development

Waterfall is one of the most used methodologies in software development. So, what are its strengths and how can it help you with your project?

By Guillermo Carreras

6 min read

Biz & Tech - How Companies Are
Biz & Tech

Companies moving toward specific goals should support successful collaboration and give teams the tools they need to transfer onsite strategies to remote environments.

By Luis Paiva

6 min read

Software Development - 5 Nifty Tricks
Software Development

People now expect web services to respond quickly, so you need to be sure that you’re providing that dynamic experience. There are a lot of ways of doing that. Here are 5 of them.

By Chris Taylor

8 min read

Innovation - How Augmented Reality

AR can hook up people with an online platform to connect with a distant expert to assist with whichever task is at hand. Here’s how.

By Rocío Belfiore

6 min read

Technology - We Need to

We’re living in a world where phishing is a palpable and ubiquitous phenomenon, so it’s better if we understand what it’s all about.

By James Miller

7 min read

Talent - How to Manage

Management doesn’t come naturally to everyone. But you can still oversee software development effectively and successfully — even if you’re not a developer yourself.

By Daniel Zacharias

6 min read

Technology - Are HTML Static

Static website generators are all the rage, but are they the right platform for your business?

By Emma White

5 min read

Biz & Tech - The Business Case
Biz & Tech

Off-the-shelf solutions aren’t tailor-made for individual businesses, but customized software is unique to their particular needs — no matter what they are.

By Paul Azorin

5 min read

Talent - Software to Augment

Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts aren’t just a trend. Having the right tools to improve diversity in your organization will make it more innovative and profitable.

By Larissa Platt

5 min read

Biz & Tech - Why Empathy Must
Biz & Tech

Empathy can mean crying on a friend’s shoulder, or an emotional response to seeing a stranger in pain. But empathy can also play a critical role in business.

By Mike Maschwitz

6 min read

Talent - As the Pandemic

Given the number of remote positions within companies across many industries, the potential for both full-time workers and freelancers to work from home is great.

By Michael Warren

5 min read

Software Development - Fundamental Roles on
Software Development

Software developers aren’t the only ones integral to the software development lifecycle. Project managers, business analysts, and others play a critical role, too.

By Melisa Cabrera

5 min read

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