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Node.js or Deno?: The Battle of Javascript Runtimes

From its humble beginnings, Javascript has become an all-purpose programming language. For over a decade, Node.js has reigned supreme as the backend Javascript, but can it’s little brother Deno be the next evolution?

Software Development
10 min read

Today we’re gonna dive into the world of Javascript runtimes and explore two popular options: Node.js and Deno. Now, I know some of you may be thinking, Why do we need another runtime when we already have Node? Well, my friend, that’s what we’re here to find out.

First off, let me break down these two bad boys for ya. Node.js has been around since 2009 and is a widely used open-source server environment for running Javascript code. On the other hand, Deno is still relatively new but gaining popularity fast as an alternative to Node.js.

As someone who has been using Node.js for years now, I was skeptical about diving into something new. But then I heard rumblings about how Deno handles dependencies differently than Node.js and decided to give it a shot. And let me tell you…it did not disappoint!

But enough about my experience—let’s talk more about these runtimes in general terms before diving deeper.

Node.js development has become the go-to choice for many developers thanks to its vast ecosystem filled with packages that make development tasks easier and quicker to execute. However, one can’t deny its usefulness for various applications, including web development and building APIs. However, there are certain drawbacks associated with this model (e.g., difficulty managing different versions simultaneously).

Deno, on the other hand, aims at solving precisely those shortcomings by providing robust solutions right from within its core framework—no external modules needed! It comes equipped with everything necessary, so all code runs smoothly without headaches caused by version conflicts or installation issues.

So which one should you choose? That depends entirely on your needs as a creator! Let’s go over some of the features of each runtime and see if we can find the right tool for whatever project you have in your head.

Node.js Deno
Creation Year 2009 2018
Creator Ryan Dahl (Wikipedia) Ryan Dahl (Wikipedia)
Documentation Node.js Documentation Deno Documentation
Language Type JavaScript (Interpreted Language) TypeScript (Compiled Language)
Typing Dynamically Typed Statically Typed
TIOBE Rating 1 (as of Sept 2021) Not listed in TIOBE Index
Popularity Highly popular and widely used for server-side applications. Rapidly growing in popularity and gaining developer interest.
Applications Web servers, web applications, APIs, real-time applications. Web servers, command-line tools, scripting, APIs.
Performance High performance with a mature ecosystem and optimization. Good performance with secure defaults and modern features.
Stability Stable with long-term support (LTS) releases and regular updates. Relatively new, evolving rapidly with frequent updates.
Learning Curve Moderate learning curve, suitable for developers familiar with JavaScript. Relatively easy to learn, especially for developers with TypeScript experience.
Community Support Large and well-established community with a wealth of online resources. Growing community with active support and contributions.
Development Time Quick development process with a vast selection of libraries and modules. Quick development process with built-in modules and external dependencies.
Key Advantages
  • Mature ecosystem and vast library support
  • Large community and active development.
  • Secure by default with TypeScript support
  • Built-in module system and centralized package management.
Key Disadvantages
  • Callback-based asynchronous code can lead to callback hell
  • Blocking I/O operations.
  • Limited third-party module support
  • Some Node.js modules are not compatible.
Famous Companies Using This Technology Netflix, LinkedIn, NASA Tesla, Samsung, Asana
Cross-Platform Support Node.js offers cross-platform support, allowing developers to build applications for various platforms. Deno is designed to have built-in cross-platform support for seamless development.

The History of Node.js and Deno: How Did They Come to Be?

Alright, let’s talk about the history of Node.js and Deno. How did they come to be? It all started with a man named Ryan Dahl, who created Node.js back in 2009. He needed a way to write scalable network programs using Javascript without worrying about blocking I/O calls. Up till then, JavaScript was a well-loved solution for frontend development, but what if one could take one of the most popular languages in the world and use it to also work on the backend? That’s pretty much how Node.js was born.

Node.js quickly became popular due to its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which made it perfect for building fast and efficient server-side applications that could handle multiple requests at once. Not really multithreading, but good enough and performant enough to gain traction, and once again, powered by a language that almost every web developer is at least passingly familiar with.

As time went on, Node.js started showing signs of aging. Its package management system wasn’t user-friendly enough, security vulnerabilities cropped up now and then, and the lack of support for ES6 features was becoming increasingly frustrating. That’s where Deno comes in. Created by none other than Ryan Dahl himself (talk about coming full circle), Deno aims to address some of the shortcomings of Node.js while retaining its strengths.

Deno boasts better security out-of-the-box thanks to its sandboxed execution environment (which means your code can’t screw around with things outside its intended scope) and improved module system that lets you import modules directly from URLs. And best of all—it supports Typescript natively! Oh, did I mention that the whole thing is coded in Rust? Making it extremely fast and powerful in contrast to Node.js.

Node.js vs. Deno: A Comparison of Key Features

As mentioned before, one of the biggest differences that sets Deno apart from its predecessor is security. With Deno, there are no permissions granted by default—everything needs to be explicitly requested by your code before it can be accessed. As someone who’s had my fair share of dealing with security breaches (ahem…thanks SQL injection), this feature alone makes me lean toward giving Deno the trophy right now.

But that said—let’s talk about features! Here are some highlights:

Node.js offers an incredibly active and vast package manager called Node Package Manager (NPM) that you can use for downloading packages or modules created by others or even yourself; it also boasts over half-a-million packages available for developers worldwide—nothing short of impressive!

But there is also another side to this coin, NPM is huge because the developer community that deals with JavaScript is outright massive, and that’s not always a good thing. For every fantastic package or module there are a dozen outdated and deprecated, bug-ridden solutions that will break your project faster than a cat walking on your keyboard.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: You see a module that could save you a bit of time and decide to give it a try. You write npm install x, and a few seconds later NPM has downloaded and installed a dozen different packages that are dependencies for your solution. Ever heard that saying about too many cooks in the kitchen? That’s how NPM feels at times.

Deno offers native support for TypeScript without needing any additional configuration, which allows devs like myself leverage type safety while developing our applications rapidly, both locally then transferring up to cloud hosting providers such as Deno Deploy.

Depending on where you stand on the dynamic vs. static debate, Typescript is either a godsend or the product of a professional torturer. Personally I love it, but I know how obnoxious it can be. It’s hard to forget that it’s a superset of JavaScript, especially when you are hunting for types for an obscure module that you want to use in your project.

Getting back on topic… while they do share similarities in execution environment design principles (e.g., event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O operations), so promised API signatures will look familiar across both ecosystems, each runtime presents unique strengths depending on their areas-of-use-cases and developer preferences alike.

So what does all this mean? At times we face tough choices, needing us to balance trade-offs, depending upon our respective projects’ primary objectives, when selecting both technology stacks and tooling. Are we solely optimizing for time-to-market? Performance? The ability to scale quickly or maintainability in the long-run?

Luckily, as developers, we have a wide array of tools at our disposal and the freedom to experiment across these cutting-edge runtimes. Ultimately, it’s up to us individual development teams as to which runtime provides the most utility for our projects’ unique needs.

I like to think of Node.js as an old reliable friend who has been there for me through thick and thin—but sometimes you just need to spice things up a bit with something new! So if you’re looking for a more secure Javascript runtime with modern language features, give Deno a try.

Performance: Which Runtime is Faster?

Alright folks, let’s talk about performance. This is where the rubber meets the road in Node.js versus Deno battle royale. You might be wondering: Which runtime is faster? Well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.

The good news? I did some testing (and by testing, I mean hours upon hours of coding and countless cups of coffee) to get a better idea of how they stack up against one another in terms of raw speed.

Now before we dive into all that, let me tell you a little story about my first car. It was an old clunker that could barely reach 60 mph without shaking like crazy. And yet, it had character that made it feel fast even though it wasn’t actually breaking any records.

Similarly, sometimes a programming language or runtime can feel speedy even if its benchmarks don’t show record-breaking results. And honestly? That’s kind of how I felt when working with Deno—like my code was going from 0–60mph in just mere seconds compared to Node.js’ sluggish pace at times.

The difference in speed is like comparing a turtle and hare (and if you know the tale, there is a reason why I’m saying that). Deno is fast, extremely fast by comparison. There is simply no competition there. If you want the fastest and most stable JavaScript runtime, you want Deno. Bun is another runtime that is actually faster, but at this point in time it’s rather unstable and still has a long way to go before getting its 1.0 release.

When looking purely at numbers (because let’s face it, data doesn’t lie), Deno does have an edge over Node.js, but (and there is always a but) in the real world that’s not really all that important.

By contrast, Python’s interpreter is even slower than either Node.js or Deno, but you know what? It doesn’t matter. It’s still the most popular programming language according to metrics like the TIOBE Index, and it’s one of the fastest choices if you want to build a product quickly. Even to this day, if you watch a YouTube video, you’ll find Python makes up a significant part of the underlying code, and if that’s good enough for one of the biggest platforms on the planet, it is good enough for most of us.

A programming language can only take you so far in terms of performance. I can promise you that a senior developer with over a decade of experience in Node.js will build a more performant solution than a junior dev wetting their toes for the first time with Deno. Having said that, given the choice, I would say that in a few years Deno is probably going to become a go-to choice.

My point here is this: take these stats with a grain of salt! In the end it’s all about choosing which language best suits your needs and is the most user friendly—after all, I learned modifying my first car wasn’t easy, but learning Node.js to run programs became easier after immense practice.

So whether you choose Node.js or Deno depends largely on your specific use case and personal preferences—nothing beats knowing what you like.

Security: Which Runtime is More Secure?

Now let’s talk about the topic that keeps most developers up at night—security. No one wants to be that person responsible for a data breach or cyber attack, especially when it could have been avoided.

So which runtime takes home the crown when it comes to being more secure—Node.js or Deno? Well, the answer is pretty simple: Deno all the way.

While doing my research, I came across an interesting metaphor that really put things into perspective for me. It compared Node.js to a house with many doors and windows (some perhaps left unlocked), whereas Deno was likened to a fortress with only one heavily guarded entrance.

This means that while Node.js may be easier to work with and develop quicker solutions on, there are more opportunities for attackers looking for vulnerabilities in your code. After all, it’s a well-known runtime, and people are keenly aware of its weak points. On the other hand, with Deno’s focus on security measures like sandboxing and built-in permissions management, you can rest easy knowing any malicious activity trying to enter or leave your application must go through rigorous checks first.

I don’t want the takeaway to be that Node.js is unsafe, because that’s not true. It’s just that Deno has the advantage of being developed almost ten years later with a very different security paradigm; it’s natural that as we evolve the newer technology adopts these new paradigms. This is not to say that security depends only on the choice of runtime, but also on the developer’s coding practices, security measures in place, and the use of up-to-date libraries and packages.

Community Support: Which Runtime has a Stronger Community?

As a seasoned software developer who has dabbled in both runtimes, I can attest that choosing between them can be tough! But let’s focus on one important factor when deciding which runtime to use: community support.

Personally, I’m a sucker for communities. I believe that nothing beats having a group of like-minded individuals to bounce ideas off of or seek advice from. So let’s take a closer look at the communities behind Node.js and Deno.

First up we have Node.js—it has been around since 2009 and boasts an impressive following with over 94.9k stars on Github! Not too shabby, if you ask me. The community is massive, with tons of libraries and modules available for developers to use. If you’re ever stuck, there will always be someone online willing to help—it’s like having your own personal mentor!

But hold on there, let’s not count out Deno just yet! Although relatively new compared to Node.js (it was released in 2020), Deno already has over 89k stars on Github and is quickly gaining popularity among developers due to its simplicity and security features. And while it doesn’t have as many dedicated Deno libraries at its disposal, this year it released its compatibility patch with NPM, so if you are willing to do some debugging you can import and use traditional NPM packages.

Now here comes the metaphor part. Choosing between these two runtimes is kind of like being forced to choose between an old but trusty truck or a small and speedy coupe. Both cars are amazing for what they are designed to do, but sometimes we need something robust and that we are familiar with (for example, to navigate rough terrain) and other times we want something swift and maneuverable.

Ease of Use: Which Runtime is Easier to Learn and Use?

As a JavaScript developer, I am always on the lookout for the most convenient and easy-to-use runtime to power my projects. So, which one is easier to learn and use?

Well, in my opinion—it’s Deno all the way! Don’t get me wrong; Node.js has been around much longer and has an extensive community with tons of resources available online. But Deno takes away some of those complexities that come with using Node.

For starters, Deno doesn’t require any additional package managers like NPM or Yarn to install modules as it comes with its own module manager built-in. It eliminates the need for a massive `node_modules` folder containing dozens upon dozens of dependencies.

Besides that, running code in Deno is pretty straightforward since you don’t need to initialize your project or compile a new file before starting work. The whole process feels extremely smooth and natural. However, this cannot be said about Node.js, as you first need to have all necessary dependencies downloaded on your machine if you want your codebase up and running smoothly.

But when thinking about ease-of-use, we must also include how comfortable developers are making switches between runtimes, even in mid-project development, without abandoning chunks already worked on. In conclusion, though both runtimes offer fantastic support for client-side scripting, but Deno’s builder-first approach makes life easier not only during ideation stage but also throughout project completion and extending out till launch day, providing seamless integration from beginning to end and hassle-free application execution.

Compatibility: Which Runtime Works Better with Other Technologies?

Let’s talk about compatibility. You know what it’s like when you finally meet someone who gets you and all your quirks? That feeling of pure connection is exactly what we’re looking for in a runtime-and-tech relationship.

But which one gives us that warm, fuzzy feeling: Node.js or Deno?

Well, with Node.js being around since 2009 and having an established community, there’s no denying its compatibility with a vast array of technologies. It can seamlessly integrate with tools such as NPM, Yarn, Express.js and React.js. And if you ever need to use another framework or library, chances are there’ll be no problem getting it to work together.

On the other hand, younger runtimes often come complete with some teething problems when trying to make friends. Deno uses TypeScript rather than JavaScript as its primary language (although it supports JavaScript too), which may cause friction at first but once they get chatting things seem to fall into place—especially as browser APIs aren’t always available in your node environment!

Overall though, both have their pros and cons when it comes down to working alongside different tech stacks—much like meeting new people! But I gotta say my heart still belongs to good ol’ Node.js right now—he just has something special that keeps me coming back.

Future Outlook: Which Runtime is Poised for Growth?

Personally, I’ve been a faithful follower of Node.js for years. It feels like my first love in the world of backend development—dependable, reliable, always there for me when I need it. But lately, my head has been turned by this new kid on the block.

Now don’t get me wrong—I’m not one to abandon ship at the drop of a hat. When it comes to coding languages and frameworks, you gotta stick with what works for you until there’s a damn good reason not to. But after playing around with Deno and seeing some seriously impressive features (and some hilarious easter eggs), I can’t help but feel excited about its potential.

Surely I’m not alone in thinking this? Maybe you’re reading this post right now nodding along emphatically because you too have seen glimpses of brilliance in Deno that make your heart skip a beat.

Or maybe you think we’re all off our rockers—how could anything possibly challenge Node.js’ dominance?!

Let me tell ya something though: change is gonna come whether we like it or not. And if we’re smart developers (which obviously we are), then we’ll keep our eyes peeled for opportunities to improve our work and stay ahead of the curve.

So although I can’t say definitively which runtime is going to win out over time…I will say that keeping an open mind and exploring alternatives might just lead us toward newer heights than what Node.js ever thought possible.

One wise philosopher once said: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” (shoutout Lao Tzu). So let’s take that step today and explore the possibilities of Deno. Who knows where it might take us?

It’s time to bring this adventure to an end. The question remains: which runtime should you choose? As much as I would love to give you a straight answer, the reality is that it depends on your specific needs.

If you’re looking for a well-established runtime with vast community support and tons of third-party packages readily available, then Node.js is your go-to option. However, if you’re concerned about security risks and want to stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities in your application, then Deno might be the better bet.

It all comes down to what matters most for your project—speed vs security; familiarity vs innovation. Like Dorothy said in The Wizard of Oz, “there’s no place like home.” If you feel comfortable working within the familiar confines of Node.js, stick with what works best for you. But if you’re willing to explore new territories and take risks in pursuit of greater rewards—try out Deno!

In either case though, remember that choosing between these two runtimes isn’t always an irreconcilable conflict (they are both built around Javascript after all). You can use them together where each shines brightest!

So figure out what suits your needs best before embarking on any new journey into developing server-side apps with JavaScript . And don’t forget—there are plenty more technologies out there waiting for us adventurers—the quest continues!

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Lisandro Pavetti

By Lisandro Pavetti

VP of Innovation and Chief Architect Lisandro Pavetti helps scale BairesDev's products and technologies by leading an expert team of engineers and creatives. His technical architecture and team-building skills help strengthen BairesDev's continual scalability strategy.

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