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Mastering Angular Data Binding: A Comprehensive Guide for Expert

Learn the ins and outs of Angular data binding with our comprehensive tutorial! From two-way binding to event binding, we've got you covered. Start building dynamic web applications today.

Software Development
14 min read

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used for building web applications. It was developed by Google and was first released in 2010. According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022, Angular is used by 26.36% of developers. Angular is known for its powerful features and benefits such as two-way data binding, dependency injection, and component-based architecture.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide for developers who want to master Angular binding. Binding data in Angular is a critical concept that allows developers to synchronize data between the component and the view in real-time. Developers can build more dynamic and responsive applications by understanding and implementing data binding effectively.

This article will cover the different types of data bindings in Angular, including one-way, two-way, and event binding. It will also provide tips and best practices for optimizing performance and avoiding common pitfalls.

What is Data Binding?

Components are core building blocks of the app since they tend to manage the data operations and the application’s behavior, while the template is responsible for rendering the HTML elements of whatever layout and structure of the user interface is sent to it.

A component and view need to be connected in order for the app to function correctly. Data binding enters the picture when there’s a connection between them. It is a vital part of an Angular application because it provides automatic synchronization between the component and view. Interestingly, Angular provides several ways to bind data.

Imagine if data binding didn’t exist. In that case, developers, including those involved in outsourcing Angular development, would have to manually write complex logic to update the views whenever a change occurs. Data binding has automated the process and made it easier for developers, particularly those outsourcing Angular development, to create interactive applications.

Importance of Data Binding in Angular Applications

Let’s look at a few benefits of data binding in Angular that make it an important feature.

Benefit Description
Maintainability The code base is reduced as the boilerplate code needed to manage the view and model is reduced.
Efficiency Since the process is now automated, the need to update the DOM manually is now redundant, leading to faster updates.
Code readability Developers are likely to make fewer errors as the code is now easier to read and understand.

Types of Angular Data Binding

Now, let’s dive into the different types of bindings in Angular in this section. For this guide, we’ll use Angular version 15.


The most important type of binding data is interpolation. It allows the developers to display the values dynamically from the component to the template. A variable is defined in the component and called in the template. Angular finds the variable in the component class matching with the one called in the template and then displays the values dynamically. It’s represented by double curly braces ({{ }}). You can use numbers, strings, etc. directly between the double braces. Let’s look at an example.

In the component class:

name = 'John Doe';

In the template:

<p>Welcome, {{ name }}!</p>

Property Binding

Property binding uses the DOM properties or attributes and binds them to the properties of the components. This enables the component dynamically update the DOM properties. To use property binding, developers use square brackets [ ] in the template, then followed by the name of the DOM property it’s binding to and the name of the component property in quotes.

Let’s look at an example to understand how property binding is implemented.

In the component class:

export class AppComponent {
  imgUrl = '';

In the template:

<img [src]="imgUrl" alt="An image">

Here, the property binding is used to bind the src attribute of the img element to the imgUrl property of the component. Therefore, the image displayed in the img element will change dynamically based on the value of the imgUrl property.

You can bind disabled, href, class, and similar attributes using property binding.

Event Binding

Event binding allows you to handle events that occur in the DOM, such as button clicks or mouse movements, and execute functions in the component.

To bind a DOM event to a component method, you use the parentheses syntax:

<button (click)="myFunction()">Click me!</button>

In this example, the (click) event is bound to the myFunction() method in the component class. When the button is clicked, the myFunction() method will be executed.

Here’s another example that shows how to pass an event object to the method:

<button (mousemove)="onMouseMove($event)">Move the mouse over me!</button>

The $event object is passed to the onMouseMove() method in the component class, which can then be used to access information about the mouse movement and target event.

Two-Way Data Binding

The bi-directional synchronization of data between the component and a template is known as two-way binding. It means whenever the data is changed in the template, the component is updated accordingly, and whenever the component is updated, the template is also updated.

The ngmodel directive is used to implement two-way binding. It binds the value of the input element to a property in the component and vice versa. The ngmodel directive is part of FormModule; therefore it must be imported into the AppModule so that it can be used.

Let’s look at the following example to see how ngmodel directive is used for two-way class binding here.

<input [(ngModel)]="name" placeholder="Enter your name">
<p>Hello {{name}}!</p>

The component’s name property is bound to the value of the input field using the ngmodel directive. This means that any changes made to the input field will automatically update input value in the name property, and any changes made to the name property will be reflected in the input field.

Note that for the ngmodel directive to work, you must also provide a name attribute for the input element. Look at the following example.

<input [(ngModel)]="name" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name">

Now, let’s move to more advanced techniques which could be implemented in an Angularjs application.

Advanced Data Binding Techniques

Using RxJS and Observables with Data Binding

Observables handle asynchronous data streams and efficiently manage data flow in an Angular app. RxJS is a library that is used along with Observables to compose asynchronous functionality.

To handle Observables, async pipe is used. The async pipe subscribes to an Observable and then automatically unsubscribes when the component is destroyed. This behavior prevents memory leaks and makes it easy to manage subscriptions.

Let’s look at an example to implement Observables using RxJs.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

  selector: 'app-example',
  template: `
    <h1>Current value: {{ value$ | async }}</h1>
    <button (click)="updateValue()">Update value</button>
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
  value$: Observable<number>;

  ngOnInit() {
    // initialize the Observable
    this.value$ = new Observable(observer => {
      let i = 0;
      setInterval(() => {;
      }, 1000);

  updateValue() {
    // update the value of the Observable
    // this will be reflected in the template via the async pipe
    this.value$ = new Observable(observer => {
      let i = 10;
      setInterval(() => {;
      }, 1000);

The ExampleComponent with a value$ Obervable gives a number every second. The async pipe in the template is used to display the value of the current value of the Observable.

A button in the HTML file updates the value$ Observable to display data with the updated numbers. This is automatically reflected by the use of async pipe.

Dynamic Component Loading

To achieve a more flexible and modular architecture, we use dynamic components. Dynamic components help create and load components at runtime. In order to load a component dynamically a ComponentFactoryResolverClass class needs to be instantiated. Next, the component is added to the view of the host component by using the ViewContainerRef class.

@Input and @Output decorators are used to bind data dynamically between the host component and dynamically loaded component. Let’s look at the code examples below to see how to bind data dynamically.

  1. Create the dynamically loaded component.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-dynamic-component',
  template: `
    <p>Dynamic component loaded!</p>
export class DynamicComponent {
  @Input() dynamicData: string;
  1. Use ComponentFactoryResolver and ViewContainerRef classes in the host component to load the dynamic component.
import { Component, ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
import { DynamicComponent } from './dynamic.component';

  selector: 'app-host-component',
  template: `
    <div #container></div>
export class HostComponent {
  @ViewChild('container', { read: ViewContainerRef }) container: ViewContainerRef;

  constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {}

  loadDynamicComponent(dynamicData: string) {

    const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(DynamicComponent);
    const componentRef = this.container.createComponent(componentFactory);
    componentRef.instance.dynamicData = dynamicData;
  1. Use the async pipe to handle the data from Observables and call the loadDynamicComponent() in the template of the host component to dynamically load the component and bind the data.
<div *ngIf="dynamicData$ | async as dynamicData">
  <button (click)="loadDynamicComponent(dynamicData)">Load dynamic component</button>

In the following code, the dynamicData$ is an Observable that gives the data to be passed to the dynamically loaded component. As soon as the user clicks the button, the loadDynamicComponent() method is called with the data, and the dynamic component is loaded with the passed data accordingly.

Understanding Angular Change Detection

Angular’s change detection feature monitors the attributes of a component and, if necessary, refreshes the view to reflect the modifications.

To maximize the performance of data-bound applications, it’s crucial to understand how it works since it allows developers to avoid making unnecessary view changes.

By default, whenever a user makes a change in Angular, the entire component tree is re-checked, and the views are refreshed. Angular can check for these changes in different ways, and they can be used to control how Angular checks for changes.

The default strategy can be switched to onPush, which checks for input type and changes only when the input properties have been changed or an event is triggered.

Another strategy that could be deployed an immutable pattern. The pattern creates new objects and arrays every time instead of modifying the existing ones, thus allowing Angular to detect changes more efficiently.

Data Binding and Angular Directives

Structural Directives and Data Binding

DOM can be dynamically manipulated using structural directives ngIf and ngFor. These directives determine what to display in the template and are closely related to data binding.

For example, the ngIf directive is used to conditionally render content in the template on the basis of a boolean expression. Let’s look at the implementation:

<div *ngIf="showMessage">
  <p>Hello, world!</p>

In the code above, *ngIf directive is bound to the showMessage property in the component. If showMessage is true, only then the HTML elements div and its content will be rendered in the DOM.

The ngFor directive is used to render a list of items in the template. Let’s look at the following snippet.

  <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{ item }}</li>

The *ngFor directive is bound to the items property in the component. The ngFor directive creates a template for each item in the array and binds the item to the item variable. This allows the template to display each item in the list dynamically, thereby eliminating the need for manual DOM manipulation.

Attribute Directives and Data Binding

Attribute directives modify the behavior or appearance of a DOM element. It utilizes data binding to dynamically update the attributes of an element based on changes in the component’s data.

Let’s look at the ngClass directive, used to dynamically add or remove a class from an element based on a component’s property, making the modification of the appearance of the element easier.

Here’s an example of how to use ngClass.

// Component code
  selector: 'app-my-component',
  templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.css']
export class MyComponentComponent {
  isRed: boolean = true;

<!-- Template code -->
<div [ngClass]="{'red': isRed, 'blue': !isRed}">This text will be red or blue depending on the value of isRed</div>

The ngClass directive is bound to an object with two properties: red and blue. The value of each property is determined by the boolean value of the component’s isRed property. If isRed is true, the red class will be applied to the element. Otherwise the blue class will be applied.

Similarly, the ngStyle directive can be used to dynamically set the style of an element based on component data. Here’s an example:

// Component code
  selector: 'app-my-component',
  templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.css']
export class MyComponentComponent {
  backgroundColor: string = 'red';

<!-- Template code -->
<div [ngStyle]="{'background-color': backgroundColor}">This div will have a red background-color</div>

Creating Custom Directives with Data Binding

Angular directives is a powerful tool, allowing developers to create reusable components to modify the functionality based on use case. It could be like validating a user input, displaying complex data, or triggering animations.

Let’s now create a custom directive.

Create the Directive

Use the @Directive decorator to make create a new directive. This directive also specifies any inputs or outputs.

import { Directive, Input } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[myCustomDirective]'
export class MyCustomDirective {
  @Input() myCustomInput: string;

  constructor() { }

Implement the Directive

A behavior for the directive is to be defined now so that the directive can be implemented. The following code uses the ElementRef and Renderer2 services to change the background color of an element when the custom input changes.

import { Directive, Input, ElementRef, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[myCustomDirective]'
export class MyCustomDirective {
  @Input() myCustomInput: string;

  constructor(private el: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer2) { }

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes.myCustomInput) {
      const newColor = changes.myCustomInput.currentValue;
      this.renderer.setStyle(this.el.nativeElement, 'background-color', newColor);

The ngOnChanges lifecycle method is called whenever the custom input changes.

Add the Directive to a Component

Finally, add the custom directive to a component’s template by using the selector specified in the @Directive decorator.

<div myCustomDirective [myCustomInput]="backgroundColor"></div>

Best Practices and Tips for Data Binding

These are some of the most useful best practices

  • Avoid complex expressions in templates: Use component methods to implement the necessary logic so your template is clean, making code easier to understand and debug.
  • Use pipes: Use built-in or custom for transformation based on your application’s need so that the template is easier to maintain and read.
  • Focus on a single task: Avoid adding unnecessary logic for data to the components by keeping it simple.

To enhance application performance:

  • Use the OnPush change detection strategy: This improves performance by triggering change detection when input properties or events change.
  • Use trackBy in ngFor: This allows Angular to identify which elements have changed instead of re-rendering the entire list.
  • Use lazy loading: Load only necessary components. This reduces the initial load time and improves the overall loading speed of the application.
  • Write unit tests: This improves the quality of the code and reduces bugs in the application.

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Expertise in data binding in Angular is crucial for developing robust, efficient Angular applications. Developers can enhance the responsiveness of applications by implementing performance optimization best practices and utilizing one-way and two-way data binding effectively. Proper data binding with custom components is crucial to avoid common pitfalls when you model data.

Angular’s data binding mechanism is a robust tool for developing complex applications when compared to other widely used frameworks like React or Vue. By exploring and experimenting with data binding, developers can elevate their proficiency in Angular. Enterprises looking to build Angular applications should also consider outsourcing the work to a reliable Angular development firm like BairesDev to achieve high-quality results.

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