Jeff Moore
As Senior Engagement Manager, Jeff Moore helps develop, maintain, and expand relationships with customers, partners, and employees at BairesDev. He focuses on business development, account management, and strategic sales consulting with a proactive approach.
Discover the most popular AI frameworks of 2025. Learn how these AI frameworks and libraries power advanced machine learning and deep learning tasks for better AI outcomes.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
To get the best responses in return, a request for proposal must be written well and fully describe the company’s needs.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
What are the top mobile frameworks in the market? And which one should you use for your project?
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
Written in Scala, Akka is a toolkit for building message-driven, distributed applications. Based on the Actor-Model system, Akka is the choice of many companies for their backend. Why?
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
Unprecedented speed, the rise of wearable technology, an emphasis on UX design, and super apps. The future of apps is here—and it’s brighter than we ever imagined.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
What startups lack in muscle, they make up for in speed, adaptability, and a lean nature that is perfect for innovation and disruption.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
During the Great Resignation and beyond, it’s important to have the right people in the right roles and future-proof your organization. That’s where workforce planning comes in.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
The craze for NFTs has been going on for a long time. Now it’s the video game companies that are investing in NFT-related projects. How did this get started and how can gamers benefit from it?
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
While the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions is certainly a factor in why renewables are booming, another huge contributing factor is simple economics.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
Immersive technologies are blurring the lines between the real and virtual. Mixed reality is a new frontier of digitally enhanced reality—one that will be a game-changer.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
Artificial Intelligence isn’t perfect. It can forget, costing hours of training and resources. What can we do to prevent it?
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
Look no further than kanban to help your development teams work more efficiently.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
The job of the artist is thought to be the least affected by modern-day automation and use of AI. But, is it? What happens when AI-enabled technologies begin painting?
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
Without a solid understanding of Linux, developers aren't much help to the modern business.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read
Data-driven approaches can help identify new opportunities and open new markets through relevant insights that are great for innovation.
By Jeff Moore
10 min read