David Russo
David Russo is Director of Business Development at BairesDev. With over 15 years of experience in business development within the IT industry, he helps develop and expand client, partner, and inter-office relationships while assisting with strategic decision-making.
We’ve all heard about how economic downturns are both unpredictable and imminent. And once again in the history of humanity, we are all living through one. The coronavirus pandemic has given a whole new meaning to the term “enterprise resilience”—one that most companies are struggling to embrace. In times like these, leading with technology is [...]
By David Russo
10 min read
When you finally decide to invest in a new software application for your company, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is whether to use a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) product or engage a software development company to create custom software for you. There are many advantages to custom software. It’s made to [...]
By David Russo
10 min read
Designers and developers are two sides of the same coin. However, they are not always as in-sync as they could be. After many years of working in the IT industry, I’ve seen countless times how the relationship between these parties can become a lot less efficient due to minor details that snowball as the project [...]
By David Russo
10 min read
Tech experts, gadget enthusiasts, and comfort lovers are all in awe by the power of the Internet of Things (IoT). Often talked about as the next big thing in tech, we are already seeing a lot of IoT products in the market. From thermostats to smart speakers, from shoes to windows, the ability to connect [...]
By David Russo
10 min read
We're dealing with a global crisis, but that doesn't mean it's a bad time to start a business.
By David Russo
10 min read
Such an easy question to ask, right? Everyone knows that a great developer is the one that has enough experience and expertise to work on any project that comes their way. Combining the work of years in the field with knowledge of different tools, languages, and technologies is what makes software engineers truly great. Or [...]
By David Russo
10 min read
You could argue that what I’m about to say about the 2010s has been said about a lot of decades throughout history. You might be right. Yet, it’s hard not to go all cliché on the decade that just ended, so here it goes. you’d be hard-pressed to find a decade where technology influenced and [...]
By David Russo
10 min read
A career in software development can be a fantastic choice in financial, professional, and even personal levels. If there ever was a time to become a software engineer, it definitely has to be right now. A lot of people are saying that all companies will eventually turn into digital companies. Demand for software grows with [...]
By David Russo
10 min read
Software development doesn’t stop until the product is a part of the end user’s life. The apps and platforms you’re developing to enhance your business...
By David Russo
10 min read
Machine Learning and Business In order to remain competitive, businesses have to be aware of and use new technologies as quickly as possible. One technology...
By David Russo
10 min read
Like it or not, when you have some years under your belt working as a software developer, you’ll end up being a tech lead at...
By David Russo
10 min read
You’ve probably heard about how we’re living in the age of Big Data by now. Even if you haven’t, chances are you can see it...
By David Russo
10 min read
The Difference Between AR and VR As anyone paying attention to tech development trends over the last couple of years already know, both virtual and...
By David Russo
10 min read