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Articles by

David Russo

David Russo

David Russo is Director of Business Development at BairesDev. With over 15 years of experience in business development within the IT industry, he helps develop and expand client, partner, and inter-office relationships while assisting with strategic decision-making.

Software Development - Ruby in Software
Software Development

Ruby is well known in the world of web development, but can it compete with Python as an all-purpose high-level language?

By David Russo

10 min read

Technology - Why Now Is

Remote work is here to stay, and companies must ensure their distributed networks are secure against rising cyber threats from outside and inside their borders.

By David Russo

10 min read

Innovation - Is Technology the

Technology is sometimes perceived as the enemy of humanity. But in several respects — from Blockchain to UX design — it actually enhances it.

By David Russo

10 min read

Biz & Tech - How to Prevent
Biz & Tech

Technical debt is a common practice in virtually every development team but abusing it can have a significant impact. How can you keep it in check?

By David Russo

10 min read

Software Development - How the New
Software Development

In order to make Git and GitHub work together, developers will now have to use personal access tokens.

By David Russo

10 min read

web traffic
Biz & Tech

Web traffic is critical for your brand’s success. It informs you of who identifies with your mission and who is interested in the services you offer.

By David Russo

10 min read

Gamification Website

Gamification is a powerful tool that can drive engagement in web applications—but, in the end, it is all about finding the right balance

By David Russo

10 min read

Biz & Tech - Dealing with Agile
Biz & Tech

How do you adapt Agile practices now that the world has gone largely remote — without compromising your products?

By David Russo

10 min read

Java for Enterprise Software

There’s no doubt that Java has managed to become the go-to language for enterprise software, even after 20 years of increasing competition in the field.

By David Russo

10 min read

Technology - What Is Angular

Experience Angular, Google's popular open-source JavaScript framework. Build modern applications effortlessly with this cutting-edge tool.

By David Russo

10 min read

Blockchain Consulting

It is time to embrace blockchain.

By David Russo

10 min read

Biz & Tech - 6 Sectors That
Biz & Tech

As the world grapples with transformation, it will be impossible to return to the way things were done in pre-COVID days.

By David Russo

10 min read

Tech Trends Accelerated By The Coronavirus

The Coronavirus pandemic has provided a context ripe for tech innovation.

By David Russo

10 min read

Mobile banking app development
Software Development

How to safeguard the clients’ privacy and security when they carry the banks in their pockets?

By David Russo

10 min read

Software Development - What’s Stopping Kubernetes
Software Development

Kubernetes isn't your average software development chain or application.

By David Russo

10 min read

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