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Articles by

Alex Parsons

Alex Parsons

QA testing engineer typing
Software Outsourcing

Although sometimes overlooked during the software development lifecycle (SDLC), quality assurance (QA) is a vital component of producing well-functioning, user-friendly, and highly regarded software. But, as with many technical roles, it’s never a static process. Just like software development itself, QA testing is ever-changing, so it’s only natural that the practice will change in the [...]

By Alex Parsons

5 min read

bitcoin halving

If you’ve happened to stumble across any Bitcoin community over the last couple of months, chances are you’ve seen the excitement surrounding the Bitcoin Halving. Specialized portals are all over it, Bitcoin miners remain expectant, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts are all discussing what the halving could mean for Bitcoin’s future. The thing is - if you [...]

By Alex Parsons

8 min read

Technology - 3 Lessons Startups

We’re living in a time where no business can escape from the need for software in its daily activities. It doesn’t matter if you’re in retail or own a clinic, are a big enterprise or a flourishing startup - you’ll need digital tools for many of your regular tasks.  From this need, it’s only natural [...]

By Alex Parsons

7 min read

Innovation - Why Everyone Should

What would you answer if I asked you whether blind people should have access to the internet? I’m obviously guessing here, but chances are you’d say something like “everyone deserves access to the internet.” In fact, it’s likely that such sentiment extends to every other disability and technology out there.  Common sense and decency lead [...]

By Alex Parsons

7 min read

Data Analytics

Analyzing the massive amount of data available today seems like an obvious step for any business. Who wouldn’t want precise insights to make more informed decisions and find new opportunities for growth? Incredibly enough, a lot of people.  A recent Deloitte survey says that a staggering 67% of executives aren’t comfortable accessing or using data [...]

By Alex Parsons

9 min read

AI robot reaching hand out

It’s actually very hard to picture a completely AI-enabled future, especially from the scattered and somewhat experimental AI solutions of the present. Next time you’re...

By Alex Parsons

7 min read

Technology - How IoT, AI

Since it began its rise to ubiquitous commodity back in the last part of the 19th century, electrical energy has played an essential role in...

By Alex Parsons

9 min read

Smart Cities blue hologram displayed over software chip

An enhanced way of living Over the last few years, conversations about smart cities have become increasingly frequent among tech enthusiasts. That’s hardly a surprise....

By Alex Parsons

8 min read

Male dentist using mobile app development
Biz & Tech

The Growing Demand for Accesibility Saying that the digital health market is growing year after year would be an understatement. In fact, software solutions for...

By Alex Parsons

5 min read

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